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預(yù)約高中1對(duì)1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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2019-01-12 16:50:58  來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理



想要了解【高三英語(yǔ)從句訓(xùn)練】的相關(guān)資料,請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊加入【愛智康高中交流福利群】愛智康高中交流福利群 ,并直接向管理員“小康康”索取!愛智康高中交流福利群會(huì)不定期免費(fèi)發(fā)放學(xué)習(xí)資料,高中以及高考政策等相關(guān)消息,請(qǐng)持續(xù)關(guān)注!  




  1. -ing分詞的構(gòu)成






  being done


  having done

  having been done

  -ing分詞的否定形式是由not 加-ing分詞構(gòu)成。如:

  Not knowing his address, I could do nothing but stay at home and wait.


  His not coming made all of us angry. 他沒來(lái)使我們大家都很生氣。

  2. -ing分詞的一般式和完成式:


  Being a student, he was interested in books. 作為一個(gè)孩子,他對(duì)書本很感興趣。

  Not having studied his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations. 因?yàn)闆]有努力學(xué)習(xí)功課,他診斷不及格。

  3. -ing分詞的被動(dòng)式:

  -ing分詞的被動(dòng)式表示它的邏輯主語(yǔ)是-ing分詞動(dòng)作的承受者。根據(jù)-ing分詞動(dòng)作發(fā)生的時(shí)間,-ing分詞的被動(dòng)式有一般被動(dòng)式(being done)和完成被動(dòng)式(having been done)。如:

  The question being discussed is very important. 正在被討論的問題很重要。

  He never talked about his having been interviewed by the reporter. 他從來(lái)沒談起過他被記者采訪的事情。

  Having been criticized by the teacher, he gave up smoking. 被老師批評(píng)以后,他把煙戒了。

  注意:在need, want, require, be worth等動(dòng)詞(短語(yǔ))后,作賓語(yǔ)的-ing分詞常用主動(dòng)形式來(lái)表示被動(dòng)含義。如:

  Your shoes need cleaning. = Your shoes need to be cleaned. 你的鞋需要清洗一下了。

  This book is well worth reading. 這本書很值得一看。


  4. -ing分詞的語(yǔ)法作用



  Laying eggs is the ant queen''s full-time job. 產(chǎn)卵是蟻后的專職工作。

  Saying is easier than doing. 說比做容易。



  It is no use crying over spilt milk. 作無(wú)益的后悔是沒有用的。

  It''s a waste of time arguing about it. 辯論這事是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。

 、谠赥here is no結(jié)構(gòu)中,通常用-ing分詞。如:

  There is no joking about such matters. 這種事開不得玩笑。

  There is no holding back the wheel of history. 歷史車輪不可阻擋。

  2) -ing分詞(短語(yǔ))作表語(yǔ):

  His hobby is collecting stamps. 他的愛好是收集郵票。

  The problem is quite puzzling. 這個(gè)問題很令人困惑。

  3) -ing分詞作賓語(yǔ):

 、–ing分詞作動(dòng)詞賓語(yǔ)。如:I suggest doing it in a different way. 我建議用另一種方法做這件事。

  We enjoy attending Miss Li''s class. 我們喜歡聽李老師的課。


  I don’t think it possible living in such a cold place. 我認(rèn)為住在這么寒冷的地方是不可能的。

  Do you consider it any good trying again? 你覺得再試一次會(huì)有好處嗎?


  I''m against inviting him to dinner. 我反對(duì)邀請(qǐng)他來(lái)吃飯。

  They don’t feel like walking that much. 他們不喜歡走那么多路。

  He went to London in the hope of being a famous painter. 他去了倫敦,希望能成為一個(gè)著名的畫家。

  此類短語(yǔ)還有很多。如:look forward to(渴望,盼望), be proud of(以……自豪), be responsible for(對(duì)……負(fù)責(zé)), insist on(堅(jiān)持), think of(考慮,想到), dream of(夢(mèng)想), object to(反對(duì),抗議), hear of(聽說), prevent…from(防止,阻止), keep…from(防止,阻止), stop…from(防止,阻止), be engaged in(從事于), depend on(依*,依賴), thank…for(因……而道謝), excuse…for(因……而道歉), aim at(目的在于), devote…to(獻(xiàn)身于), set about(著手做), be/get used to(習(xí)慣于), be fond of(喜歡), be afraid of(害怕), be tired of(對(duì)……厭煩), succeed in(成功地做……), be interested in(對(duì)……感興趣), be ashamed of(對(duì)……感到羞愧)等等。


  I have no difficulty (in) communicating with foreigners. 我在和外國(guó)人交談方面沒有什么困難。

  He used to spend a lot of time (in) playing games. 過去他;ê芏鄷r(shí)間玩游戲。

  What can prevent us (from) getting married? 有什么能阻止我們結(jié)婚?

  另外,-ing分詞可以和一些介詞如in, on, after, against, before, by, for, without, besides等構(gòu)成短語(yǔ),在句中作狀語(yǔ)。如:

  He left ahead of time without saying a word. 他一句話也沒說就優(yōu)先離開了。

  Besides cooking and sewing, she had to take care of four children.


  On hearing the news, all the pupils jumped with joy. 聽到這個(gè)消息后,所有的孩子都高興得跳了起來(lái)。

  4) -ing分詞作定語(yǔ):


  reading room 閱覽室 swimming pool 游泳池 dining car 餐車

  sleeping car 臥車 singing competition 歌詠比賽 waiting room 候車室

  a waiting car 一輛等待著的車 a sleeping child一個(gè)酣睡的孩子 flying fish 飛魚

  the exciting news令人振奮的消息 a boring speech令人乏味的演出


  Who is the comrade standing by the door? 站在門邊的同志是誰(shuí)?

  They lived in a house facing south. 他們住在一所朝南的房子里。


  The words, usually dealing with current work, were mostly written by himself.


  When she appeared, John, wearing a dirty and worn-out overcoat, ran to her with joy. 當(dāng)她出現(xiàn)的時(shí)候,約翰穿著一件又臟又破的大衣高興地跑了過去。

  5) -ing分詞做狀語(yǔ):


 、-ing分詞短語(yǔ)作時(shí)間狀語(yǔ),相當(dāng)于一個(gè)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句,有時(shí)可由連詞when, while引出。如:

  While reading the book, he nodded from time to time. 他一邊看書,一邊不時(shí)地點(diǎn)頭。

  Seeing those pictures, she remembered her childhood. 看到那些畫,他想起了她的童年。


  Not knowing his address, I can’t send this book to him. 因?yàn)椴恢浪牡刂,我不能把這本書送給他。

  Many of us, being so excited, couldn’t go to sleep that night. 因?yàn)榉浅<?dòng),那晚我們?cè)S多人都沒睡著。


  His father died, leaving him a lot of money. 他父親死了,留給他許多錢。

  She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces.



  They stood there for half an hour watching the stars in the sky. 他們?cè)谀莾赫玖税胄r(shí),觀察著天上的星星。

  Following the old man, the young people started walking slowly.



  A person standing at the foot of a high mountain will find himself very small.


  Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 盡管知道了一切情況,他們還是要我賠償損失。



  His hair became grey with the years passing. 隨著時(shí)間的推移,他的頭發(fā)變花白了。

  Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window. 沒人注意,他從窗戶溜了出去。

  6) -ing分詞作補(bǔ)語(yǔ):

  ①--ing分詞可以在see, hear, notice, watch, feel, look at, listen to, observe, have, get, leave, keep, set, catch, find等動(dòng)詞后面和一個(gè)名詞或代詞構(gòu)成一個(gè)復(fù)合賓語(yǔ),作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)語(yǔ)。如:

  I noticed a man running out of the bank when I got off the car.


  Last night the shopkeeper caught a child stealing some food in the shop.



  We were kept waiting for quite a long time. 讓我們等了好長(zhǎng)時(shí)間。

  Jily was never heard singing that song again. 人們?cè)僖矝]有聽到吉麗唱這首歌了。

  5. -ing分詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu):


  His coming made us very happy. 他的到來(lái)使我們大家都很高。

  He was awakened by someone’s knocking at the door. 他被某人的敲門聲吵醒了。


  1. –ing分詞作主語(yǔ)和表語(yǔ)時(shí)與不定式的區(qū)別:


  Smoking is forbidden here. (泛指吸煙)這里禁止吸煙。

  It’s not good for you to smoke so much. (指你吸煙)吸這么多煙對(duì)你的身體不好。

  My job is teaching. 我的工作是教書。

  My job is to teach you English this term. 我這一學(xué)期的工作是教你們英語(yǔ)。

  2. 高中階段能接-ing分詞作賓語(yǔ)的常見動(dòng)詞:

  mind(介意), suggest(建議), enjoy(欣賞,), admit(承認(rèn)), appreciate(感激,欣賞), avoid(避免), delay(推遲), dislike(不喜歡,厭惡), escape(逃脫), finish(完成), forgive(寬恕), imagine(想象), keep(保持), miss(錯(cuò)過), practise(訓(xùn)練), resist(抵抗,抵制), risk(冒險(xiǎn)), deny(拒絕,否認(rèn)), consider(考慮)等。

  3. 有些動(dòng)詞既能接不定式,又能接-ing分詞,含義有所不同。如:

  ①forget, remember, regret等詞后面接不定式表示不定式動(dòng)作后于謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作,而后接-ing分詞作賓語(yǔ)表示分詞動(dòng)作先于謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作。如:

  Do you remember seeing me before? 你記得以前見過我嗎?

  Remember to lock the door when you leave. 離開時(shí)要記得鎖門。

 、趧(dòng)詞mean, stop, try, go on等動(dòng)詞后面接分詞和接不定式作賓語(yǔ),意思也有所不同。如:

  I try not to think about that. 我盡量不去想那件事。

  Would you please try doing that again? 請(qǐng)你再試一次好嗎?

  I mean to change it for another one. 我想換成另外一個(gè)。

  Missing the train means waiting for another hour. 誤了這班車就意味著再等一個(gè)小時(shí)。

  Having finished the exercises, we went on to learn the new words in the next unit.


  After a short rest, they went on working. 短暫地休息以后,他們又繼續(xù)工作。

  He stopped talking when the bell rang. 鈴響的時(shí)候,他停止了講話。

  While working, he stopped to talk with Tom at times. 工作的時(shí)候,他不時(shí)地停下來(lái)和湯姆談話。


 、蹌(dòng)詞allow, advise, forbid, permit等可直接跟-ing分詞作賓語(yǔ),不可以接動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語(yǔ),但可接不定式作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)語(yǔ)。如:

  Please permit me to say a few words. 請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我說幾句話。

  We don’t permit smoking here. 我們這兒不允許吸煙。

 、軇(dòng)詞need, require, want作“需要”解時(shí),后面接-ing分詞或不定式的被動(dòng)式。如:

  The room wants cleaning/to be cleaned. 這個(gè)房間需要打掃。

  These little children require looking after carefully/to be looked after carefully.


 、輨(dòng)詞like, hate, prefer等后面,如表示一般性動(dòng)作,多用-ing分詞;如指特定的具體的某次動(dòng)作,多用不定式。如:

  I like swimming, but I don’t like to swim with you. 我喜歡游泳,但我不喜歡和你一起游泳。

  I prefer walking to school every day. 我情愿每天步行去學(xué)校。

  I prefer to stay at home today. 今天我情愿呆在家里。

 、迍(dòng)詞begin, start后面,如表示有意識(shí)地開始做某事,常用-ing分詞,否則用不定式更多一些。如:

  We began to do that job last year. 我們?nèi)ツ觊_始做那工作的。

  They started talking about the film at once. 他們立刻開始談?wù)撃遣侩娪啊?/p>


  a. 當(dāng)start, begin本身用于進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)時(shí)。

  When the teacher came into the room, he was starting to write to his parents.


  b. 當(dāng)start, begin后接表示心理活動(dòng)的動(dòng)詞時(shí)。

  Hearing the news, he started to think of a good way to solve the problem.


  c. 當(dāng)句子的主語(yǔ)是無(wú)生命的東西時(shí)。

  We were about to leave when it began to rain. 我們正準(zhǔn)備離開,天開始下雨了。

  4. -ing分詞作表語(yǔ)的兩種不同含義:


  Their job is building houses. 他們的工作是蓋房子。

  The real question is getting to know the needs of the people. 真正的問題是了解人民的需要。


  This story is very interesting. 這故事很有趣。

  The problem is quite puzzling. 這個(gè)問題很令人困惑。


  reading material 閱讀材料 walking stick 手杖 fishing pole 魚桿

  flying suit 飛行服 writing table 寫字臺(tái) listening practice 聽力訓(xùn)練


  developing countries = countries that are developing 發(fā)展中國(guó)家

  a growing city = a city that is growing 發(fā)展著的城市

  an ordinary-looking house = a house that looks ordinary 看起來(lái)很普通的房子

  a touching story = a story that is touching 一個(gè)動(dòng)人的故事

  working people= people who are working 勞動(dòng)人民

  6. 不定式和-ing分詞作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)語(yǔ)的區(qū)別:

  在see, hear, feel, watch, notice等感官動(dòng)詞后,既可用-ing分詞構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語(yǔ),也可用不定式構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語(yǔ),兩者之間有一定的區(qū)別。用-ing分詞時(shí),表示動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行;用不定式時(shí),表示動(dòng)作發(fā)生了,即動(dòng)作的全過程結(jié)束了。如:

  Do you hear someone knocking at the door? (Someone is knocking at the door.) 有人在敲門你聽見了嗎?

  Do you hear someone knock at the door? (Someone knocked at the door just now.) 你聽見有人敲門了嗎?

  7. 高中階段常見的帶介詞to的短語(yǔ),后接-ing分詞或名詞。如:

  admit to(承認(rèn)), contribute to(捐助、貢獻(xiàn)), get down to(著手做), give way to(讓位于),keep to (堅(jiān)持、遵守), lead to (導(dǎo)致),look forward to(期待), take to(從事), turn to (求助于), stick to(忠于、堅(jiān)持), point to(指向、表明), see to (注意、處理), be used to (習(xí)慣于), devote oneself to (獻(xiàn)身于), be equal to (勝任的、等于), be familiar to (為……熟悉).

  高中階段有一些固定的-ing分詞短語(yǔ),如generally speaking(一般來(lái)說), judging from…(根據(jù)……來(lái)判斷), considering…(考慮到……), talking of…(談到……,提到……), supposing…(假如……)等,它們的邏輯主語(yǔ)和句子的主語(yǔ)不一致。這種短語(yǔ)可以被稱之為句子的狀語(yǔ),也可當(dāng)作一個(gè)插入語(yǔ)。如:

  Judging from his accent, he must come from Canada. 從他的口音看他一定來(lái)自加拿大。

  Considering how poor he was, we decided to let him attend the concert for free.

  考慮到他是多么的窮,我們決定讓他免費(fèi)聽音樂會(huì)。1. –ing分詞作主語(yǔ)和表語(yǔ)時(shí)與不定式的區(qū)別:


  Smoking is forbidden here. (泛指吸煙)這里禁止吸煙。

  It’s not good for you to smoke so much. (指你吸煙)吸這么多煙對(duì)你的身體不好。

  My job is teaching. 我的工作是教書。

  My job is to teach you English this term. 我這一學(xué)期的工作是教你們英語(yǔ)。

  2. 高中階段能接-ing分詞作賓語(yǔ)的常見動(dòng)詞:

  mind(介意), suggest(建議), enjoy(欣賞,), admit(承認(rèn)), appreciate(感激,欣賞), avoid(避免), delay(推遲), dislike(不喜歡,厭惡), escape(逃脫), finish(完成), forgive(寬恕), imagine(想象), keep(保持), miss(錯(cuò)過), practise(訓(xùn)練), resist(抵抗,抵制), risk(冒險(xiǎn)), deny(拒絕,否認(rèn)), consider(考慮)等。

  3. 有些動(dòng)詞既能接不定式,又能接-ing分詞,含義有所不同。如:

 、賔orget, remember, regret等詞后面接不定式表示不定式動(dòng)作后于謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作,而后接-ing分詞作賓語(yǔ)表示分詞動(dòng)作先于謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作。如:

  Do you remember seeing me before? 你記得以前見過我嗎?

  Remember to lock the door when you leave. 離開時(shí)要記得鎖門。

 、趧(dòng)詞mean, stop, try, go on等動(dòng)詞后面接分詞和接不定式作賓語(yǔ),意思也有所不同。如:

  I try not to think about that. 我盡量不去想那件事。

  Would you please try doing that again? 請(qǐng)你再試一次好嗎?

  I mean to change it for another one. 我想換成另外一個(gè)。

  Missing the train means waiting for another hour. 誤了這班車就意味著再等一個(gè)小時(shí)。

  Having finished the exercises, we went on to learn the new words in the next unit.


  After a short rest, they went on working. 短暫地休息以后,他們又繼續(xù)工作。

  He stopped talking when the bell rang. 鈴響的時(shí)候,他停止了講話。

  While working, he stopped to talk with Tom at times. 工作的時(shí)候,他不時(shí)地停下來(lái)和湯姆談話。


 、蹌(dòng)詞allow, advise, forbid, permit等可直接跟-ing分詞作賓語(yǔ),不可以接動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語(yǔ),但可接不定式作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)語(yǔ)。如:

  Please permit me to say a few words. 請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我說幾句話。

  We don’t permit smoking here. 我們這兒不允許吸煙。

  ④動(dòng)詞need, require, want作“需要”解時(shí),后面接-ing分詞或不定式的被動(dòng)式。如:

  The room wants cleaning/to be cleaned. 這個(gè)房間需要打掃。

  These little children require looking after carefully/to be looked after carefully.


 、輨(dòng)詞like, hate, prefer等后面,如表示一般性動(dòng)作,多用-ing分詞;如指特定的具體的某次動(dòng)作,多用不定式。如:

  I like swimming, but I don’t like to swim with you. 我喜歡游泳,但我不喜歡和你一起游泳。

  I prefer walking to school every day. 我情愿每天步行去學(xué)校。

  I prefer to stay at home today. 今天我情愿呆在家里。

 、迍(dòng)詞begin, start后面,如表示有意識(shí)地開始做某事,常用-ing分詞,否則用不定式更多一些。如:

  We began to do that job last year. 我們?nèi)ツ觊_始做那工作的。

  They started talking about the film at once. 他們立刻開始談?wù)撃遣侩娪啊?/p>


  a. 當(dāng)start, begin本身用于進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)時(shí)。

  When the teacher came into the room, he was starting to write to his parents.


  b. 當(dāng)start, begin后接表示心理活動(dòng)的動(dòng)詞時(shí)。

  Hearing the news, he started to think of a good way to solve the problem.


  c. 當(dāng)句子的主語(yǔ)是無(wú)生命的東西時(shí)。

  We were about to leave when it began to rain. 我們正準(zhǔn)備離開,天開始下雨了。

  4. -ing分詞作表語(yǔ)的兩種不同含義:


  Their job is building houses. 他們的工作是蓋房子。

  The real question is getting to know the needs of the people. 真正的問題是了解人民的需要。


  This story is very interesting. 這故事很有趣。

  The problem is quite puzzling. 這個(gè)問題很令人困惑。


  reading material 閱讀材料 walking stick 手杖 fishing pole 魚桿

  flying suit 飛行服 writing table 寫字臺(tái) listening practice 聽力訓(xùn)練


  developing countries = countries that are developing 發(fā)展中國(guó)家

  a growing city = a city that is growing 發(fā)展著的城市

  an ordinary-looking house = a house that looks ordinary 看起來(lái)很普通的房子

  a touching story = a story that is touching 一個(gè)動(dòng)人的故事

  working people= people who are working 勞動(dòng)人民

  6. 不定式和-ing分詞作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)語(yǔ)的區(qū)別:

  在see, hear, feel, watch, notice等感官動(dòng)詞后,既可用-ing分詞構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語(yǔ),也可用不定式構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語(yǔ),兩者之間有一定的區(qū)別。用-ing分詞時(shí),表示動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行;用不定式時(shí),表示動(dòng)作發(fā)生了,即動(dòng)作的全過程結(jié)束了。如:

  Do you hear someone knocking at the door? (Someone is knocking at the door.) 有人在敲門你聽見了嗎?

  Do you hear someone knock at the door? (Someone knocked at the door just now.) 你聽見有人敲門了嗎?

  7. 高中階段常見的帶介詞to的短語(yǔ),后接-ing分詞或名詞。如:

  admit to(承認(rèn)), contribute to(捐助、貢獻(xiàn)), get down to(著手做), give way to(讓位于),keep to (堅(jiān)持、遵守), lead to (導(dǎo)致),look forward to(期待), take to(從事), turn to (求助于), stick to(忠于、堅(jiān)持), point to(指向、表明), see to (注意、處理), be used to (習(xí)慣于), devote oneself to (獻(xiàn)身于), be equal to (勝任的、等于), be familiar to (為……熟悉).

  高中階段有一些固定的-ing分詞短語(yǔ),如generally speaking(一般來(lái)說), judging from…(根據(jù)……來(lái)判斷), considering…(考慮到……), talking of…(談到……,提到……), supposing…(假如……)等,它們的邏輯主語(yǔ)和句子的主語(yǔ)不一致。這種短語(yǔ)可以被稱之為句子的狀語(yǔ),也可當(dāng)作一個(gè)插入語(yǔ)。如:

  Judging from his accent, he must come from Canada. 從他的口音看他一定來(lái)自加拿大。

  Considering how poor he was, we decided to let him attend the concert for free.


 、倌康臓钫Z(yǔ): Every morning he gets up very early to read English. 為了強(qiáng)調(diào)不定式表示目的的作用,可在不定式前加in order to或so as to(以便或?yàn)榱?,但應(yīng)注意in order to位于句首或句中均可,而so as to不能位于句首,如:She reads China Daily every day in order to (so as to) improve her English. 將表示目的的不定式置于句首,也可強(qiáng)調(diào)目的的作用,如:To master a foreign language, one must work hard at it.


 、诮Y(jié)果狀語(yǔ):They lived to see the liberation of their home town.他們活到親眼見到了他們家鄉(xiāng)的解放。


  ③too + 形容詞或副詞 + 動(dòng)詞不定式,表示“足能?”的結(jié)果,如:You are old enough to take care of yourself now.












