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2019-01-12 15:44:33  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理



想要了解【高三英語期末復(fù)習(xí)方法】的相關(guān)資料,請點(diǎn)擊加入【愛智康高中交流福利群】愛智康高中交流福利群 ,并直接向管理員“小康康”索!愛智康高中交流福利群會(huì)不定期免費(fèi)發(fā)放學(xué)習(xí)資料,高中以及高考政策等相關(guān)消息,請持續(xù)關(guān)注!  




  1. 定義:用作主語的從句叫做主語從句。

  2. 構(gòu)成:關(guān)聯(lián)詞+簡單句

  3. 引導(dǎo)主語從句的關(guān)聯(lián)詞有三類:

  (1) 從屬連詞that。 如:That they were in truth sisters was clear from the facial resemblance between them.


  (2) 從屬連詞whether。如:

  Whether he’ll come here isn’t clear. 他是否會(huì)來這里還不清楚。

  (3) 連接代詞who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever

  連接副詞 where, when, how, why。如:

  What she did is not yet known. 她干了什么尚不清楚。

  How this happened is not clear to anyone. 這事怎樣發(fā)生的,誰也不清楚。

  Whoever comes is welcome. 不論誰來都?xì)g迎。

  Wherever you are is my home ---- my only home. 你所在的任何地方就是我的家----我先進(jìn)的家。


  1. 主語從句能用it作形式上的主語。常以it作形式主語的句型有:

  A. It+be+形容詞(obvious, true, natural, surprising, good, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, certain, probable, etc.)+that從句。如:

  It is certain that she will do well in her exam. 毫無疑問她診斷成績會(huì)很好。

  It is probable that he told her everything. 很可能他把一切都告訴她了。

  B. It+be+名詞詞組(no wonder, an honour, a good thing, a pity, no surprise, etc.)+that從句。如:

  It’s a pity that we can’t go. 很遺憾我們不能去。

  It’s no surprise that our team should have won the game. 我們沒贏這場比賽真意外。

  C. It+be+過去分詞(said, reported, thought, expected, decided, announced, arranged, etc.)+that從句。如:

  It is said that Mr. Green has arrived in Beijing. 據(jù)說格林先生已經(jīng)到了北京。

  It is reported that China has sent another man-made earth satellite into orbit.


  D. It+seem, happen等不及物動(dòng)詞及短語+that從句。如:

  It seems that Alice is not coming to the party at all. Alice似乎不來參加晚會(huì)。

  It happened that I was out that day. 碰巧我那天外出了。

  E. It+doesn’t matter (makes no difference, etc.)+連接代詞或連接副詞引起的主語從句。如:

  It doesn’t matter whether she will come or not. 她是否來這無關(guān)緊要。

  It makes no difference where we shall have the meeting. 我們在哪里開會(huì)毫無區(qū)別。

  F. 當(dāng)that引導(dǎo)的主語從句出現(xiàn)在疑問句中時(shí),要以it作形式主語,而把主語從句后置。如:

  Is it true that the scientist will give us a lecture next week? 下周那位科學(xué)家將給我們作報(bào)告是真的嗎?

  Does it matter much that they will not come tomorrow? 他們明天不來很要緊嗎?

  G. 當(dāng)主語從句出現(xiàn)在感嘆句中時(shí),要以it作形式主語,而把主語從句后置。如:

  How strange it is that the children are so quiet! 孩子們這么安靜真奇怪!

  2.注意連接代詞whoever, whatever, whichever等引導(dǎo)主語從句的含義

  Whoever comes will be welcome. (whoever=the person who) 來的人將受到歡迎。

  Whatever he did was right. (whatever=the thing that) 他所做的事情是正確的。

  Whichever of you comes in will receive a prize. (whichever=anyone of you who) 你們當(dāng)中不論哪個(gè)進(jìn)來將會(huì)得到獎(jiǎng)


  用法詳解1: 關(guān)系代詞型what引導(dǎo)

  What we need is money. 我們需要的是錢。

  What I want to know is this. 我想知道的就是這一點(diǎn)。

  What’s done is done. 事已成定局。

  What he says is not important. 他說的話并不重要。

  What I am telling you is mere impressions. 我和你說的都不過是一些印象而已。

  What make the river more beautiful are the lotus plants growing in the water. 為河水增色的是水里的荷花。

  What you need is a good-sized canvas bag. 你需要的是一個(gè)比較大的帆布袋。

  What I am afraid of is their taking him to Portugal. 我擔(dān)心的是他們把他帶到葡萄牙去。

  What struck me was that they have all suffered a lot. 給我很深印象的是他們都受過很多苦。


  When we arrive doesn’t matter. 什么時(shí)候到?jīng)]有關(guān)系。

  How it was done was a mystery. 這是怎樣做的是一個(gè)謎。

  How this happended is not clear to anyone. 這件事怎樣發(fā)生的,誰也不清楚。

  How many people we are to invite is still a question. 邀請多少人還是一個(gè)問題。

  Where I spend my summer is no business of yours. 我在哪里過暑假不關(guān)你的事。



  Whoever is top from wins the game when two matched players meet. 兩強(qiáng)相爭勇者勝。

  Whichever (of you) comes in first will receive a prize. 無論(你們)誰先到都可以得獎(jiǎng)。

  Whichever you want is yours. 你要哪個(gè)哪個(gè)就是你的。


  Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否對我們有害還要看一看。

  Whether they would support us was a problem. 他們是否會(huì)支持我們還是一個(gè)問題。

  用法詳解5:that引導(dǎo)   That he is still alive is a wonder. 他還活著,真是奇跡。

  That we shall be late is certain. 我們要晚了,這是確定無疑的。

  That he should have ignored the working class was natural. 他忽視工人階級是很自然的。

  That she is still alive is a consolation. 她還活著是使人感到寬慰的。

  That she became an artist may have been due to her father’s influence. 她成為畫家可能是受她父親的影響。

  That you are coming to London is the best news I have heard this long time. 你將來倫敦是好久以來我聽到的較好消息。

  That she was chosen made a tremendous stir in her village. 她被挑選上,在她村子里引起很大轟動(dòng)。












