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2021-09-06 13:30:07  來源:百度文庫


初中英語中考知識點大匯總!單詞是基礎(chǔ),所以同學(xué)們要多學(xué)習(xí),多記憶,多背誦單詞。而在記憶單詞的時候,同學(xué)們也不要死記硬背,同學(xué)們可以通過一些好的單詞記憶的方法,或是通過單詞的讀音,或是通過單詞的字母。下面,小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">初中英語中考知識點大匯總。   

  1、see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel+ sb+do sth 做了某事

  see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel+ sb+doing sth 正在做某事

  被動:① sb be seen/heard/noticed/found/felt to do 某人被…做了某事

  ② sb be seen/heard/noticed/found/felt doing 某人被…正在做某事

  2、比較級 and 比較級 : 表示越來越怎么樣

 、 bigger and bigger 越來越大

 、 more and more popular 越來越受流行

  3、a place of interest =an interesting place名勝

  4、 agree with sb 贊成某人

  5、 all kinds of 各種各樣 a kind of 一樣

  kind of =a little bit 一點兒

  6、all over the world = the whole world 整個 世界

  7、as soon as 一……就……(后面的從句用一般現(xiàn)在時,則主句用一般將來時)

  8、 as you can see 你是知道的

  9、 ask sb for help 向某人求助

  10、 ask sb not to do sth叫某人不要做某事

  11、 at the age of =when sb be +歲數(shù) 在……歲時

  12、 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的開始

  13、 at the end of +地點/+時間 最后;盡頭;eg : at the end of the day

  by the end of + 過去的時間 到……末為止 (用于過去完成時)

  14、 at this time of year 在每年的這個時候 補:at least 至少

  15、There be + 主語 + doing …… 有……正在做某事

  There will/is going to be …… 將會有……

  16、 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能夠……

  eg : She is able to sing.= She can sing .

  17、 be afraid to do sth / be afraid of sth

  be terrified to do /of doing

  18、 be allowed to do 被允許做什么 allow doing 允許做某事

  19、 be angry with sb = be mad at sb 生某人的氣

  20、 be as…原級…as 和……一樣……

  not so/as …原級…as 不及 , 不如

  eg : as tall as = the same height as as old as = the same age as

  21、 leave → be away from離開 stay away from 遠離

  22、 be bad for 對什么有害 be good for 對什么有好處

  23、 be born 出生于

  24、 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事 be busy with sth 忙于……

  25、 be careful 當(dāng)心;小心 be close to… 離…很近

  26、 be different from…… 和什么不一樣 be the same as

  27、 be famous for 以…著名 be famous as 作為…而著名 (類似:well-known)

  28、 be friendly to sb 對某人友好

  29、 be from = come from 來自

  eg :Is he from Bejing ? = Does he come from Bejing ?

  30、 be full of = be filled with 裝滿

  eg:the glass is full of water = the glass is filled with water

  31、 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善長, 善于……

  32、 be happy to do 很高興做某事

  33、 be helpful to sb 對某人有好處

  eg : Reading aloud is helpful to you 大聲朗讀對你有好處

  34、 keep/be in good health = be/keep /stay healthy 健康

  35、 in trouble 處于困難中 in danger 處于危險中

  36、 be interested in = take an interest in + (doing ) sth 對…感興趣

  37、 be late for = get to ……late 遲到

  eg: be late for class = get to class late 上課遲到

  38、 be like 像…… (性格) look like像…… (外貌)

  take after 與…… 相像 be similar to

  39、 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不見原材料)

  be made in 在…生產(chǎn)或制造

  be made of 由……制成(制成以后還看得見原材料)

  40、be not sure 表不確定 be sure 表確定

  41、be on a visit to = be visiting 在參觀

  be at work = be working 在工作

  42、be popular with sb 受某人歡迎 be pleased with 對…感到滿意

  43、be short for 是…… 的簡稱

  44、be sick/ill in bed 生病在床 be ill in hospital 生病住院

  45、be sorry to do sth /be sorry for sb eg : I am sorry for you .

  I’m sorry to hear that . I am sorry to trouble you .

  46、be strict in sth 對某事要求嚴(yán)格

  be strict with sb 對某人要求嚴(yán)格

  be strict with sb in sth 某方面對某人嚴(yán)格

  47、be supposed to do 被要求干什么 be supposed to = should 應(yīng)該

  48、be sure to do sth 一定做某事 be sure not to do sth 一定不要做某事

  49、be/get used to doing sth 習(xí)慣做某事

  be used to do sth = be used for doing sth 被用來做某事

  50、 because+句子 because of +短語

  eg : He was late because he had a headache .He was late because of his headache .

  51、begin to do = start to do 開始做某事

  start…with… = begin…with… 以…… 開始……

  eg : Let's begin the game with the song .

  52、between…and… 兩者之間 among 在多者之間

  53、borrow sth from sb 向……借……

  lend sth to sb / lend sb sth 借給……什么東西

  I borrowed a pen from him. = He lent a pen to me. = He lent me a pen .

  54、 catch up with sb 趕上某人 fall behind sb 落后某人

  55、 chat with sb 和某人閑談 take sb to + 地點 帶某人去某地

  56、 come in 進來

  57、 come over to 過來

  58、 come up with = think up 想出

  eg: Can you come up with/ think up a good idea ?

  59、 communicate with sb 和某人交流

  60、 consider + doing 考慮做什么

  eg : Why not consider going to lu zhou 為什么不考慮去瀘州?

  60、 dance to 隨著……跳舞 sing along with 隨著……唱歌

  61、 decide to do sth = make a decision to do

  = make up one’s mind to do

  62、 do a survey of 做某方面的調(diào)查

  63、Don't forget to do sth . = Remember to do sth .

  64、 Would you mind (not) (my)doing sth ?

  Better not ./ No, not at all . Of course not . Certainly not .

  65、They each have…… = Each of them has …… 他們每個人都有……

  66、 escape from 從……逃跑

  67、 expect to do sth 期待做某事

  68、 fall down 摔下來 fall off 從……摔下來 fall into 掉入

  fall asleep 睡著 fall in love with sb /sth 愛上什么

  69、be far from 離……遠 be + 一段距離 + away from

  70、 find +it +adj +to do 發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事怎么樣

  71、 find sb/sth +adj 發(fā)現(xiàn)……怎么樣 eg : I find the book interesting

  I found that he was clever . = I found him clever .

  = I found him a clever boy.

  72、 finish doing 完成做某事 practice doing 練習(xí)做某事

  73、forget to do 沒有做而忘了 forget doing 做了而又忘了 (remember 用法相同)

  74、 from…to… 從……到…… eg: From me for her

  75、 get /have sth done 做完,被(別人)做……

  eg: I have my hair cut 我理了發(fā)(頭發(fā)被剪了)

  Tom got his bad tooth pulled out. 湯母把他的壞牙拔掉了 .

  76、 get a part-time job = find a part-time job

  77、 get along well with sb = get on well with sb 與某人相處得好

  78、 get ready for = be ready for 為……而準(zhǔn)備

  eg : I get ready for math .= I am ready for math .

  79、 give a talk 做報告 have a talk 聽報告 談一談

  80、 give sth to sb = give sb sth 給某人某物

  被動: sb be given sth . = sth be given to sb .

  81、 go fishing 釣魚 go swimming 游泳 補:go over 過一遍;仔細(xì)檢查

  82、 go on to do 去做下一件事 go on doing 繼續(xù)做這件事

  83、go to school 上學(xué) go to the school 去學(xué)校(不一定是上學(xué))

  84、 have been to … 去過某地方(多于次數(shù)連用)

  have gone to … 去了某地還沒回來

  have been in … 一直在某地(表延續(xù))

  85、 have fun +doing 玩得高興

  86、 have sth to do 有什么事要做

  eg: I have a lot of homework to do 我有很多家庭作業(yè)要做

  87、 have to do sth 必須做某事 have sth done 請某人做某事

  have sb do sth

  88、 have trouble (problem) (in) doing sth 做什么事情有麻煩

  89、 have no time to do sth沒有時間做某事

  90、 have…(時間)…off 放……假 eg: I have a month off 我請一個月的假

  91、 help a lot 很大用處 be helpful

  92、 help sb with sth = help sb (to) do sth 幫助某人做某事

  93、 hope to do sth 希望做某事 (不可用hope sb to do sth )

  94、 How about(+doing) = What about(+doing)

  95、 how do you like = what do you think of 你對什么的看法

  96、 if=whether是否 whether … or … 無論是…還是…

  97、if :如果,假如+條件語態(tài)從句

  eg: I'll go to LuZhou if it doesn't rain .

  98、 in one's opinion = sb think 某人認(rèn)為

  99、 in some ways 在某些方面

  100、 in the end = finally(adv) 最后

  101、 in the north of… = in the northern part of … 在…的北方

  (north 北 south 南 west 西 east 東 )

  102、 in the sun 在太陽下

  103、 increase 增加

  104、instead of +(名/doing ) 代替 instead 單獨用在句首或句尾

  eg: I'd like an apple instead of a pear 我想要蘋果,而不要梨子

  105、 introduce sb to sb 介紹某人給某人 introduce oneself 自我介紹

  106、 invite sb to do sth 邀請某人做某事

  107、 It takes sb sometime to do sth 做某人花掉某人多少時間

  108、 It's +adj +for sb to do sth 對某人來說做某事怎么樣

  It's +adj +to do 做某事怎么樣

  It's +adj (nice 、kind 等)+ of sb to do sth 對某人來說做某事怎么樣 eg : It's nice of you to help me with my English .

  109、 It's important to sb. 對某人來說很重要 eg: It's important to me .

  110、 It's time to do sth.= It's time for sth. 到了該去做某事的時間

  eg : It's time to have class.= It's time for class. 該去上課了

  111、 just now = a moment ago剛才

  right now = at the moment = now 現(xiàn)在

  112、 keep +sb /sth +adj 讓……保持…… keep …… open / clean

  113、 keep out 不讓 …… 進入

  114、the key/answer/way to +名詞 表示:某物的鑰匙/答案 /路(方法)

  115、 laugh at… 取笑…… eg : Don't langh at others .

  116、 learn by oneself = teach oneself 自學(xué)

  117、 learn from sb 向某人學(xué)習(xí) eg: We should learn from Lei Feng

  118、 learn to do sth 學(xué)做某事

  119、 let/make/ have sb do sth 讓某人做某事

  120、 let sb down 讓某人失望 cheer sb up = make sb happier 使某人振奮

  121、 到達 get to = reach = arrive in (大地方)/at(小地方)

  reach 可做不及物動詞單獨使用

  122、 look after = take care of 照顧照看

  123、 lose one's way 迷 路

  124、 make friends with sb 和誰成為朋友

  125、 make it early 把時間定的早一點 make it 7:30

  126、 need to do (實義動詞) need do (情態(tài)動詞)

  need doing = need to be done

  127、no +名詞 = not a / an / any + 名詞 with nothing = without anything

  128、 not anymore = no more 再也不……

  eg: He didn't cry any more.= He no more cried . 他再也不哭

  129、 not at all 一點都不

  not only… but also… 不但…而且… (①連接主語時謂語動詞據(jù)后定②連接句子且not only位于句首時,not only后用倒裝)

  130、 not…until 直到……才…… 與after 進行轉(zhuǎn)換

  131、 provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 給某人提供 ……

  132、 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 提供什么東西給某人

  133、 on one's way to… 在某人去…… 的路上

  134、 on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面

  135、 on the phone = over the phone 用電話交談

  136、 on time 準(zhǔn)時 in time 及時

  137、 one day =some day =someday 一天,有一天

  138、 one of +可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式

  139、 over and over agin 一遍又一遍的

  eg : He cleaned the floor over and over again .

  140、 pay for… 付……錢 pay the bill 付錢

  141、 help oneself to + 食物 請某人隨便吃/喝點什么

  142、 prefer sth to sth 相對……更喜歡…… (過去式 preferred )

  prefer doing to doing 更喜歡去做…不愿意去做…

  prefer to do sth rather than do sth 寧愿做…也不愿

  143、 pretend to do sth 裝著去做什么 eg : The two cheats pretended to be working very hard. 這兩個騙子裝著努力工作

  144、would rather…than 寧可……也不……

  eg : I would rather be a doctor than a teacher.

  145、 regard…as 把……當(dāng)作……

  I regard you as my friend 我把你當(dāng)作我的朋友

  146、 remid sb of sth = make sb think of 使某人想起 ……

  147、 return sth to sb = give sth back to sb 還什么東西給某人

  148、 say to oneself 對自己說

  149、 say to sb 對某人說

  150、 sb spend some money on sth 花了多少錢在某事上

  sb spend some time with sb 花了多少時間陪誰

  sb spend some time (in) doing sth 花了多少時間做某事

  151、 sb with sb +is sb and sb +are

  152、 show sb sth = show sth to sb 拿什么東西給某人看

  153、some…others… 一些……另一些……

  one … the other … 一個… 另一個

  154、 stop doing 停下正在做的事 stop to do 停下正在做的事去做下一件事

  stop sb(from) doing 阻止某人做某事

  stop smoking = give up smoking

  155、 such a / an + 形容詞 + 名詞單數(shù) = so + 形容詞 + a / an + 名詞單

  so + many / much / few / little + 名詞復(fù)數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞

  (如果little 是“小的”則仍用such)

  156、 suit sb 適合某人

  157、 surprise sb 使某人驚奇 to one's surprise 令某人驚奇

  158、 take classes 上課 take one's temperature 給某人量體溫

  take sb to 把某人帶去 take the medicine 吃藥

  take walks = take a walk = go for a walk 散步

  159、 ①talk to 對誰說 ② talk with和某人說

 、 talk about 談?wù)撽P(guān)于……

  160、 teach + 人稱代詞賓格+ 學(xué)科 教某人某學(xué)科

  161、 tell sb sth 告訴某人某事 tell a story 講故事

  tell sb to do sth 告訴某人做什么 tell sb not to do sth

  162、thanks to幸虧,由于

  thank you for +doing thank sb for sth 因某事而感謝某人

  163、the + 比較級… the + 比較級… 越…就越…

  The more careful you are , the fewer mistakes you’ll make .

  164、 too…to… 太……而不能…… not adj +enough to 不是足夠…能…

  so…that + 主語 + can’t / couldn’t ……(such+名詞…that+從句)

  eg: He is too young to go to school. = He is so young that he can't go to school . = He is not old enough to go to school .



 點擊了解>>>初中英語知識點專題匯總 預(yù)約咨詢請撥打:400-810-2680

  165、 transalte ……into…… 把……翻譯成……

  166、 try/do one's best to do sth 盡某人最大的努力去做某事

  167、 try to do sth 盡力做 try doing sth 嘗試做

  168、 try it / them on 試衣服 have a try 試一下

  169、 turn down 開小音量 ←→ turn up 開大音量

  170、 turn off 關(guān)上 ←→ turn on 打開

  171、unless= if … not 如果不

  172、Be quick , or you’ll be late. = If you aren’t quick , you’ll be late.

  Hurry up , or you’ll be late. = If you don’t hurry , you’ll be late.

  173、 wait for sb to do sth 等某人做什么 wait for sb 等某人

  wait for some time 等多少間

  174、 wake sb up 把某人叫醒 (過去式 woke )

  175、 want to do sth = would like to do = feel like doing 想要做某事

  176、 welcome to +…(地方) 歡迎到……

  177、 what if 如果……怎么辦 What if +句子

  eg : What if it is true ? 如果是真的怎么辦?

  178、 what they will do = what to do

  179、 What's the matter ? = What's the trouble ? = What's wrong ?

  180、 while +延續(xù)性動詞 when + 短暫性動詞

  181、 why don't you = why not

  182、Will you please (not )do sth ?

  183、 with one's help = with the help of sb = If sb help sb

  without one's help = If sb don’t / doesn’t help sb

  184、 had better do 最好做某事 had better not do 最好不要做某事


  186、 名詞、副詞、 形容詞修飾 enongh 時, 形容詞放在之前 , 名詞 副詞放在之后

  187、 太多 too much +不可數(shù) too many +可數(shù) much too 相當(dāng)于 very ,修飾形容詞

  188、 in + 一段時間 用于將來時 用How soon 提問

  189、can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地要求做某事.

  190. ask (tell)sb. (not )to do sth . 請(告訴)某人(不)做某事.

  191、 It’s best to do sth最好做某事

  192、 have nothing to do with… = not about 與…無關(guān)

  193、It is said that… = People say 據(jù)說…

  194、星期:Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

  Thursday Friday Saturday

  195、月份:January February March April May June July

  August September October November December

  196、wonder = want to know 想知道

  have no idea = don’t know 不知道

  197、in the morning / afernoon / evening 在上午/ 下午/晚上

  On the morning / afernoon / evening of + 幾月幾日

  On a cold / winter he morning / afernoon / evening

  198、轉(zhuǎn)彎:take the first turning on the left / right

  turn left / right at the first crossing

  199、數(shù)詞:40 forty 第一 first 第二 second 第三 third

  第五 fifth 第九 ninth 第十二 twelfth 第二十 twentieth

  200、in the 1980s 在二十世紀(jì)八十年代

  201、時間表達:①直接讀 先時后分 7:10 seven ten

 、陂g接讀 分鐘數(shù)≤30 用past 分鐘數(shù)>30 用 to

  4:15 a quarter past four 4:30 half past four

  4:45 a quarter to four

  202、完成時:It’s + 一段時間 + since + 一般過去時 .

  一段時間 + has passed + since + 一般過去時 .

  203.?嫉牟豢蓴(shù)名詞:weather news advice information bread


 、貸im is the tallest student in his class .

 、贘im is taller than any other student in his class .

  ③Jim is taller than the other students in his class .

 、躈obody else is taller than Jim in his class .

 、軦nybody else is not taller than Jim in his class .

  補:如果不在同一范圍內(nèi),則只用 any + 名詞單數(shù) 。

  Eg. Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan .

  205、So + 動詞 + 主語 . (用于肯定) Me too . … 也是這樣的.

  Neither / Nor + 動詞 + 主語 . (用于否定) Me either . … 也不.

  So + 主語 + 動詞 . … 的確如此.


初中英語中考知識點大匯總就給大家分享到這里,另外學(xué)而思學(xué)科老師還給大家整理了一份《初中英語知識點專題匯總 》。







