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2019年高考英語語法之for sb to do sth的用法

2019-05-17 22:49:30  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

  2019年高考英語語法之for sb to do sth的用法!馬上就要高考了,你準(zhǔn)備的怎么樣了?英語的很多固定搭配的,你記住多少呢?這么重要的時刻,不要過于緊張,適當(dāng)給自己一點壓迫感就好了。下面是2019年高考英語語法之for sb to do sth的用法!同學(xué)們沖刺高考,加油!



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  2019年高考英語語法之for sb to do sth的用法(一)


  1. 用作主語For you to ask Joe would be a big mistake. 你要是去問喬,那將是一大錯誤。For Ann to go to France would make me very happy. 安要是到法國去將使我感到很高興。注:這類結(jié)構(gòu)通常會借助形式主語來表達(dá),即在句首使用形式主語,而將真正用作主語的“for+賓語+不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)移至句末。如:It’s too expensive for me to buy. 太貴了,我買不起。It’s impossible for me to leave my family. 我是不可能離開家的。It’s impossible for the job to be finished in time. 這項任務(wù)要按時完成是不可能的。It’s an honour for me to be asked to speak here. 我很榮幸被邀在這里講話。It’s a new experience for her to be travelling by plane. 坐飛機對她是—次新經(jīng)歷。—It’ll take time for her to recover from the illness. 她的病要很長時間才能痊愈。It took twenty minutes for the smoke to clear. 過了20分鐘煙才散完。

  2. 用作表語It is for you to decide. 該由你來決定。His idea is for us to travel in separate cars. 他的意思是我們不要同乘一輛汽車。Our aim is for students to learn as quickly as possible. 我們的目的是讓孩子盡快學(xué)到東西。All I want is for us to be together. 我希望的只是我們能在一起。The simplest thing is for him to resign. 較簡單的辦法是他辭職。

  3. 用作賓語She hates for people to feel sad. 她不愿看到人們憂心忡忡。They didn’t mean for her to read the letter. 他們并未打算讓她看那封信。I would like for you to stay as long as you want. 我希望你留下來,想留多久就留多久。注:這類結(jié)構(gòu)用作賓語的情形主要見于非正式的美國英語中,且主要限于like, hate, mean, intend等少數(shù)動詞。不過,當(dāng)有形式賓語時,這類結(jié)構(gòu)用作賓語的情況倒是很普遍(注意形式賓語的使用)。如:He made it very difficult for us to refuse. 他弄得我們很難拒絕。I thought it strange for -FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'">她這么晚還不回來,我覺得有些奇怪。

  4.用作定語It’s time for everybody to go to bed. 是大家睡覺的時候了。There’s nothing for the cats to eat. 貓沒有東西可吃了。Have you got something for me to do? 你給我找了什么事做嗎? All that remains for me to do is to say goodbye. 剩下我所要做的就是告辭了。

  5. 用作同位語He gave orders for one million military personnel to demobilize. 他命令100萬軍人復(fù)員。

  6. 用作狀語(1) 目的狀語。如:目的狀語。如:I can’t wait for them to finish talking. 我不能等到他們把話談完。She opened the door for me to come in. 她開門讓我進(jìn)去。She looked up and nodded for me to come in. 她抬起頭來,并點頭讓我進(jìn)去。For sales to increase, we must lower our prices. 為了增加銷量,我們必須降低價格。(2) 結(jié)果狀語。如:The print is too small for me to read without glasses. 印刷字體太小,我不帶眼鏡就看不清。I wish you’d write clearly enough for us to read it. 但愿你能寫得清楚點,我們好能看明白。(3) 條件狀語。如:How would it do for me to write to him? 我來給他寫信如何? (4) 比較狀語。如:There's nothing worse than for a person to ill-treat a child. 沒有什么比虐待小孩更惡劣的了。(5) 原因狀語。如:They made it difficult for me to see her. 他們從中作梗,讓我不易見到她。

  2019年高考英語語法之for sb to do sth的用法(二)


  1. 其中的不定式有時可以是進(jìn)行式。如:It’s a new experience for her to be travelling by plane. 坐飛機對她是—次新經(jīng)歷。

  2. 其中的不定式有時可以是被動式。如:It is essential for him to be prepared for this. 有必要讓他對此有所準(zhǔn)備。

  3. 能用于it’s adj. for sb to do sth的形容詞不多,主要的有bad, bold, clever, common, honest, necessary, nice, normal, pointless, rare, (all) right, rude, sensible, stupid, tactful, thoughtful, typical, unimportant, unusual, vital, wise, wrong等。但是請注意:likely和probable不這樣用。如:她可能今晚到。正:She’s likely to arrive this evening. 誤:It’s likely for her to arrive this evening. 她很可能會發(fā)脾氣。正:It’s probable that she’ll be in a bad temper. 正:She’ll probably be in a bad temper. 誤:It’s probable for her to be in a bad temper.

  4. 該結(jié)構(gòu)中的介詞for原則上不能換成to,但在某些特殊結(jié)構(gòu)中可以換成to。如:The policeman signed for [to] me to stop. 警察打手勢叫我停下。It will be convenient for [to] me to see you this evening. 今晚去見你,我很方便。注:能這樣用to代替for的結(jié)構(gòu)只限于sign to [for], be convenient for [to]等少數(shù)情形。

  5. 在通常情況下,其中的不定式不能換成動名詞。如:你能不能安排在周一把貨送到? 正:Can you arrange for the goods to be delivered on Monday? 誤:Can you arrange for the goods being delivered on Monday?









  愛智康高中教育頻道為大家分享的2019年高考英語語法之for sb to do sth的用法到這里就結(jié)束啦,有關(guān)北京高考考前輔導(dǎo)及考后規(guī)劃的課程,請直接撥打免費咨詢電話:!2019年高考距離大家越來越近,同學(xué)們一定要把握現(xiàn)在,有困難克服一下,拿個好成績。
