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2018-12-21 17:04:18  來源:網絡整理






  Every year onDecember 25, the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated and called Christmas.

  From December 24th to January 6th many celebrate the Christmas feast. Duringthe festival, Christians hold one or more ceremonies. Christmas was originallya Christian festival, but because of many peoples attention, it became anational holiday. In western countries it is the biggest festival in a year .Itis similar in importance to the Spring Festival.

  Westerners often dress in red, green and white for Christmas. Many families usethese three colors to decorate during Christmas. Red is used in Christmasflowers and Christmas candles. Green is found in the Christmas tree. For theChristmas decorations, people cut many trees, especially evergreen treesto use for decoration. People often hang many lights on the tree along withother colorful decorations and gifts.

  The red and white clothes of Santa Claus is a popular custom during Western children before going to sleep will hang a sock in front of thefireplace. They do this so that Santa Claus will fill it with gifts. In thewest, the belief in Santa Claus is a traditional belief held by many children.

  "Christmas" comes from the phrase "Christ Mass". A mass isa form of worship. Christmas is a religious festival. We take it as thebirthday of Jesus, and to celebrate Christmas. This day, all over the world inChristian churches many hold special worship services. But there are manyChristmas activities that have no religious relevance. For example theexchanging of gifts and sending Christmas cards.

  Jesus' birth is a story. In it, He is belived to be born of the holy spirit,born to the virgin Mary. God sent a messge to Joseph in a dream that heshouldn't worry because of Mary's unmarried pregnancy because the meaning ofboy named "Jesus" was that he would rescue the people from sin.

  When Mary was giving birth, the Roman government gave a command that all thepeople of Bethlehem must declare the people in their families. Joseph and Maryhad to obey.

  When they reached Bethlehem, it was already dark and they failed to find anyaccommodation except for a place where horses and other animals were was the place where Jesus would be born! Mary gave birth to Jesus in thismanger. Later generations commemorate the birth of Jesus, calling it Christmason December 25 every year, in order to remember the day when Jesus was born.

  Christmas is commemorated on December 25th as the birth of Jesus, but the realbirth date, no one knows. In the nineteenth century, the popular customs ofsending Christmas cards, Santa Claus and celebrating Christmas began to appear.







