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干貨系列 | 聽力滿分秘籍:近三年中考英語聽力最?嫉16個情景會話

2018-10-09 15:47:35  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

  干貨系列 | 聽力助力能力秘籍:近三年中考英語聽力較?嫉16個情景會話!聽力是很多同學(xué)診斷的失分項,畢竟英語聽力播放次數(shù)有限,一旦漏聽或聽不懂,根本沒有機會再聽一次,這也造成了很多同學(xué)在考聽力時的緊張心態(tài)。下面為大家分享干貨系列 | 聽力助力能力秘籍:近三年中考英語聽力較?嫉16個情景會話!希望同學(xué)們可以考上心儀的高中。



  干貨系列 | 聽力助力能力秘籍:近三年中考英語聽力較?嫉16個情景會話




  1 A: Hi! / Hello! 你好!

  B: Hi! / Hello! 你好!

  2. A: Nice to meet you. 見到你很高興。

  B: Nice to meet you too.見到你我也很高興。

  3. A: How are you? 你好嗎?

  B:I am fine, thank you. How are you?(And you?)我很好,謝謝。

  4. A: Good morning? 早上好

  B: Good morning! ?早上好!

  5. A: Good afternoon? 下午好?

  B: Good afternoon! 下午好!

  6.A: Good evening? 晚上好?

  B: Good evening!晚上好。

  7. A: Good night!晚安。

  B: Good night! 晚安

  8. A: What is your name? 你叫什麼名字?

  B: My name is Lisa.

  9. A: How old are you? 你幾歲了?

  B:I am fourteen years old.我十四歲。

  10. A: How tall are you? 你有多高?

  B:I’ m 1.65metres.我身高1米55

  11. A: How heavy are you? 你有多重?

  B:I’ m 48kilograms.我有48公斤。

  12. A: When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么時候?

  B:My birthday is in May.我的生日在五月。

  13. A:When do you get up?你什么時候起床。

  B: I get up at 7:00 o’clock.我7點起床。

  14.A:When do you do morning exercise? 你什么時候做早操?

  B: I usually you do morning exercise at 8:30.我通常在8:30做早操。

  15. A: Thank you!謝謝你

  B: You are welcome.不用謝

  16.A:What’s your favourite season?你較喜歡的季節(jié)是哪一個?

  B: My favourite season is spring/summar/fall/winter.我較喜歡的季節(jié)是春夏秋冬。

  17.A: What's your favourite fruit?你較喜歡吃的水果是什么?

  B: Apple.蘋果。

  18.A: When is Children’s day?兒童節(jié)是什么時候?

  B: It’ s in June.在六月

  19.A: What are you doing?你正在做什么?

  B:I’ m reading a book.我正在讀書。

  20A: What’s the date today?今天幾月幾號

  B: It’s October 1st.10月1號。

  A: What day is it today?今天星期幾?

  B: It’s Monday.今天星期一

  21. A: What’s this?這是什么?

  B: It’s a pen. 這是一只鋼筆。

  22.A: What color is it?這是什么顏色?

  B: It’s red.紅色

  23.A: What color do you like best?你較喜歡的顏色什么?

  B: red.紅色

  24.A: What animals do you like best?你較喜歡的動物是什么?

  B: Dog.小狗

  25. A: Happy New Year! 新年快樂!

  B: Happy New Year!

  26. A:Happy birthday! 生日快樂!

  B:Thank you!謝謝

  27. A: Merry Christmas! 圣誕快樂!

  B: Merry Christmas,too. 圣誕快樂!

  28. A: Are you OK? 你還好嗎?

  B: Yes, I am OK. 我挺好的。

  29. A: What time is it? 幾點了

  B: It’s ten o’clock.十點了

  30.A:How many people are there in your family?你家里有幾個人?

  B: There are 7 people in my family.我家有個7人。


  Topic1 問路與交通


  動詞+副詞短語:turn left/right 左轉(zhuǎn)/右轉(zhuǎn);walk/go along/straight 直走;go/walk through穿過

  交通方式:on foot步行;by train/bike/bus乘火車/騎自行車/乘公共汽車;take a bus乘公共汽車;take a train乘火車;on the bus乘公共汽車;on one's bike騎自行車



  1.Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?打擾一下,這附近有銀行嗎?

  2.Which is the way to the supermarket?請問哪一條路是去超市的?

  3.Do you know the way to Bridge Street?你知道去布里奇大街的路嗎?

  4.Would you please tell me the way to the bank?請問你能告訴我去銀行怎么走嗎?

  5.Could you tell me how I can get to the hotel?你能告訴我如何去旅館嗎?


  1.Yes,there is.It's on Center Street.是的,有。在中心街。

  2.It's in front of the library.它在圖書館前面。

  3.Go down this street.沿著這條街走。

  4.Turn left at the first crossing.在先進個十字路口左轉(zhuǎn)。

  5.It's on Bridge Street on the right.在布里奇大街的右邊。

  Topic2 感謝與應(yīng)答



  1.Thanks for asking me out.謝謝你邀請我。

  2.Thank you!謝謝!


  4.Thanks a lot!多謝!

  5.Thank you very much!非常感謝!

  6.Many thanks!多謝!

  7.It's very kind of you.你真是太好了。

  8.How kind of you!你真好!

  9.Thank you anyway.仍然謝謝你。

  10.Thank you all the same.仍然謝謝你。


  1.Don't mention it.不客氣。

  2.That's all right.不客氣。

  3.It was nothing.不客氣。

  4.That's OK.不客氣。

  5.Think nothing of it.不客氣。

  6.You're welcome.不客氣。

  7.Not at all.不客氣。

  8.It's a pleasure.別客氣。

  9.My pleasure.別客氣。

  Topic3 請求與建議


  1.—Would you mind not smoking here?你介意不在這抽煙嗎?

  —Sorry,I won't.對不起,我不會了。

  2.—Would you like something to drink?來點喝的好嗎?


  3.—Don't smoke here.請不要在這里抽煙。

  —Sorry,I won't.對不起,我不會了。

  4.—Why not go to movies with us?你為什么不和我們一塊兒看電影去呢?

  —Sounds great.聽起來不錯

  5.—Could you please take out the trash?你去倒一下垃圾好嗎?

  —Sorry,mum.I'm doing my homework.對不起,媽媽。我正在做功課。

  Topic4 問候與告別


  1.—How are you?你好嗎?

  —Fine, thank you. And you?好,謝謝。你呢?

  —I'm fine, too.我也很好。

  2.—How do you get on with your classmates?你和你同學(xué)相處得怎樣?

  —Very well.很好。

  3.—See you.再見。

  —See you.再見。

  Topic5 祝愿與祝賀



  —I have passed the examination!我已經(jīng)通過診斷了—Congratulations (to you)!祝賀你!


  1.Good luck with you trip!祝您旅途平安!

  2.Have a good trip/journey.=I wish you a good trip/journey.祝你旅途愉快。/祝你一路順風(fēng)。

  3.Good trip to you./Nice journey to you.祝你旅途愉快。


  —Happy birthday to you!生日快樂!—Thank you!謝謝!


  —I will take the exams tomorrow.我明天將參加診斷。

  —Good luck(to you)!(I wish you success!) 祝您順利!(祝您成功!)


  —Happy New Year(to you)!(祝你)新年快樂!

  —Thanks. The same to you!(Happy New Year to you,too!)謝謝!您也一樣!(也祝您新年快樂!)

  Topic6 打電話


  1.打電話人自我介紹:用英語打電話時,開頭打招呼的先進句話通常是Hello,然后便自報姓名,再告知想與誰通話。例如:Hello! This is Mike(speaking).

  2.打電話人要某人接電話,需要證實對方的身份時,不能說Are you...?或Who are you?而應(yīng)該說:May/Can/Could I speak to Kate, please?/Is that Kate?/Is Kate in/at home?/Who's that?

  3.本人接電話時可以說: This is Kate (speaking)./Yes, speaking.



  Give sb a ring; give sb a call; phone sb; ring sb up; call sb給打電話

  Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment,please.請等一等。Take a message捎口信



  1.Can/Could/Would you ring up/call/call up...?你能給……打個電話嗎?

  2.Will/Would you give a message to...,please?請你給……捎個口信可以嗎?


  1.Can I take a message(for you)?要我?guī)湍闵涌谛艈?

  2.I'll ask...to call you back.我會讓……給你回個電話的。

  3.This is Vivian speaking.我是Vivian。

  Topic7 就餐與飲食


  Help yourself to..你吃/喝點 Something to eat一些吃的東西Something to drink一些喝的



  1.Would you like something (to eat/to drink)?你想要(吃/喝)點什么嗎?

  2.What would you like (to have)?你想要吃點什么?

  3.Would you like some more...?你還要點嗎?

  4.Are you ready to order,sir?/Can/May I take your order now?現(xiàn)在可以請你點餐了嗎?


  1.Help yourself to...你吃/喝點吧。

  2.Make yourself at home.請隨便吃,不要客氣。

  3.Well ,just a little,please.好的,請來一點兒。


  5.I'm full,thank you.謝謝,我吃飽了。

  Topic8 健康與就醫(yī)


  在中考中應(yīng)注意:西方人聽到自己的親人、朋友或熟人等談到有關(guān)身體健康的問題時,如“I think I have a bad cold.”通;卮穑“I'm sorry to hear that.”或“You'd better see a doctor.”。但如果是說給醫(yī)生,醫(yī)生則不能用上述答話,而需用“Take it easy.”來回答。


  Have (got)a headache頭疼 Have a cough咳嗽

  Take one's temperature量體溫 Have a fever發(fā)燒

  Have a cold感冒 Nothing serious沒有什么嚴重的



  1.What's wrong/the matter/the trouble with you?你有什么不舒服嗎?

  2.Is there anything wrong with you?你哪里不舒服?

  3.You'd better have a good rest.你較好好好休息一下。

  4.Take this medicine three times a day.這藥每天吃三次。

  5.Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 多喝水,好好休息。


  1.I fell terrible/bad/ill/sick.我感到很不舒服。

  2.I don't feel well./I'm not feeling well.我感到不舒服。

  3.I've got a cough(headache, toothache).我咳嗽/頭疼/牙疼。

  4.I don't fell well.我感覺不舒服。

  5.There's something wrong with...我的……不舒服。

  Topic9 購物


  Size(large, medium, small)型號(大,中,小),color(yellow, black, blue, pink)顏色(黃色,黑色,藍色,粉紅),sell, buy,on sale(減價),price, cheap, expensive, money等。



  1.Can/May I help you?=What can I do for you?您要買點什么?(能為您做點什么嗎?)

  2.How many/much would you like?您要多少……?

  3.What color/size/kind would you like?您要什么顏色/尺寸/種類的?

  4.What/How about this one?這個怎么樣?

  5.Here's your change. 給你的找零。


  1.I want/I'd like a pair of shoes.我想要買一雙鞋。

  2.How much is it/are they?價格多少?

  3.May I try it on?能試穿一下嗎?

  4.It's too big/small.它太大/小了。

  5.Sorry,it's too expensive.對不起,它太貴了。

  6.Do you have anything cheaper?有便宜點的嗎?

  7.Do you have other colors/sizes/kinds?你有其它顏色/尺寸/種類的嗎?

  8.Well,I'll think about it. 哦,我考慮一下吧。

  Topic10 旅游與計劃


  Walk 走路,fly 飛行,on foot 步行,by bus 乘坐公共汽車,by train 乘火車,ride a bike 騎自行車, by ship 坐輪船,by plane 乘飛機,No.3 bus 3號公共汽車


  1. The train leaves at 8:00 am and arrives at 12:00 am.火車八點發(fā)車十二點到達。

  2. I just came back from... 我剛好從……回來。

  3. have gone to... 他們?nèi)チ诉沒回…… 4. have been to 去了已經(jīng)回

  5. I want to fly to Washington next week. 我想下周乘飛機去華盛頓。

  6. I hope you have a good trip. 玩得快樂!

  Topic11 談?wù)撎鞖?/strong>


  (1)Describing weather (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold,cool,etc.)描述天氣(陽光明媚的、多云的、有風(fēng)的、下雨的、熱的、暖和的、冷的、涼爽的、等等)

  (2)Understanding weather reports (conditions, temperature, rain, snow, wind, sun, cloud,etc.)理解天氣預(yù)報(條件、溫度、雨、雪、風(fēng)、太陽、云、等等)

  (3)Dressing for the weather (coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, overcoat, windbreaker, etc.) 針對天氣的穿著(外套、帽子、雨傘、雨衣、大衣、防風(fēng)上衣、等等)


  1.What's the weather like today?今天天氣怎么樣?

  2.How's the weather in Beijing?北京天氣如何?

  3.What a cold/hot day today! 今天天氣真冷/真熱!


  1.It's a nice/fine/beautiful/horrible day today.今天天氣真好/真糟啊!

  2.It's sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy/foggy.今天天氣晴朗/多云/多風(fēng)/多雨/多雪/多霧。

  Topic12 興趣愛好


  I love...我愛……;

  I like...我喜歡……;

  I'm interested in...我對……感興趣;

  I'm fond of...我喜歡……;

  ...is my favorite sport.……是我較喜歡的運動;

  I like...best我較喜歡……;

  My hobby is...我的愛好是……;

  I'm a football fan.我是一個足球迷。

  read 讀書,watch TV 看電視,go to the movies 去看電影,collect stamps 搜集郵票,listen to music 聽音樂,painting 畫畫,play basketball/volleyball/football 玩籃球/排球/足球,go swimming 去游泳,play the piano/violin 彈鋼琴/拉小提琴,play chess 下棋。


  1.This book is very interesting.這本書很有趣。

  2.I like/love the movie very much.我非常喜歡這部電影。

  3.I like taking photos.我喜歡拍照。

  4.I enjoy listening to music.我喜歡聽音樂。

  5.I'm interested in science.我對自然科學(xué)感興趣。

  7.He is fond of music.他喜歡音樂。

  Topic13 學(xué)校生活


  Class 班級;grade 年級;teacher 老師;playground 操場;library 圖書館;classmate 同學(xué);favorite subject 較喜愛的科目;activity 活動;office 辦公室;break 課間休息;school trip 學(xué)校旅行;do one's homework 做功課;study for a test 準備診斷;learn English 學(xué)習(xí)英語;have math class 上數(shù)學(xué)課;the school rules 學(xué)校規(guī)章制度;be late for class/school 上課/上學(xué)遲到;go to school 去上學(xué);school clubs學(xué)校俱樂部


  1.—How many boy students are there in your class?你的班里有多少男同學(xué)?

  —There are twenty-one boy students in my class.我的班里有二十一名男同學(xué)。

  2.—What do you think of your English teacher?你覺得你們的英語老師如何啊?

  —She is very friendly to us.她對我們很友好。

  3.—How do you study English?你如何學(xué)英語?

  —I study English by taking notes in class.我通過課堂上做筆記來學(xué)習(xí)英語。

  4.—Please don't eat in class.請不要在課堂上吃東西。

  —Sorry ,I won't.對不起,我不會了。

  5.—How was your school trip?你的學(xué)校旅行如何啊?

  —It was great/OK/good.很好。

  6.—I will have an English test tomorrow.我明天有一個英語診斷。

  —Good luck to you!希望你有好運氣!

  7.—Our school will have a picnic this weekend.我們學(xué)校這個周末有一次野餐。

  —Have a good time! 好好玩吧!

  Topic14 時間與日期


  1.—When were you born?你什么時候出生的?

  —I was born on August 17th ,1978.我出生于1978年8月17日。

  2.—What time do you usually go to school?你通常什么時候去學(xué)校?

  —I usually go to school at seven o'clock.我通常七點去學(xué)校。

  3.—What day is it today?今天是周幾?

  —Today is Monday.今天是周一。

  4.—What's the date today?今天是幾號?

  —It's July 18th.7月18日。

  5.—What's the time?/What time is it?幾點了?

  —It's eight o'clock in the evening.晚上八點。

  6.—Which season do you like best?你較喜歡哪個季節(jié)?

  —I like summer best.我較喜歡夏季。

  Topic15 恭維與應(yīng)答


  1.—Your skirt is so beautiful.你的裙子很漂亮。

  —Thank you.謝謝。

  2.—I have just got my driver's license.我已經(jīng)拿到了駕照。

  —I'm glad to hear that.聽到這我很高興。

  3.—I think you have an excellent son.我認為你有一個優(yōu)秀的兒子。

  —Thank you.謝謝。

  4.—Happy birthday to you.生日快樂。

  —Thanks a lot.多謝。

  5.—It's very kind of you taking care of my cat when I am away.你在我不在的時侯照顧我的貓真是太好了。

  —It's my pleasure.不客氣。

  Topic16 職業(yè)與外貌


  look like 看起來像;tall 高的;short 矮的;medium height 中等身高;medium build 中等體型;fat 胖的;thin 瘦的;heavy 重的;straight hair 直發(fā);curly hair 卷發(fā);strong 強壯的;blond hair 金黃色頭發(fā);brown hair 棕發(fā)


  1.—What do you do?你是做什么的?

  —I am an actor.我是一名演員。

  2.—What's your job?你的工作是什么?

  —I am a teacher.我是一名教師。

  3.—What does he do?他是干什么的?

  —He is a doctor.他是一名醫(yī)生。

  4.—What do you want to be when you grow up?當(dāng)你長大后想干什么?

  —I want to be a pilot.我想成為一名飛行員。

  5.—What does he want to be when he grows up?當(dāng)他長大后想干什么?

  —He wants to be an engineer.他想成為一名工程師。

  7.—What does he look like?他長得什么樣子?

  —He is of medium height.他中等個子。

  8.—What does she look like?她長得什么樣子?

  —She has long hair.她有長長的頭發(fā)。







  中考頻道分享的干貨系列 | 聽力助力能力秘籍:近三年中考英語聽力較常考的16個情景會話到這里就結(jié)束啦,更多有關(guān)北京市中考輔導(dǎo)的課程,請直接撥打免費咨詢電話:!學(xué)習(xí)靠的是平常的日積月累,不可能一蹴而就。大家要加油!
