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2010-04-02 12:42:45  來(lái)源:新浪考試 文章作者:匿名

  201. the treasure of the whole family全家的寶貝

  202. satisfy the child’s need滿足孩子的需要

  203. the spoiled child被寵壞的孩子

  204. Moreover, too much praise makes the children proud, which further spoils them and renders them liable to develop all kinds of bad habits in the long run另外一點(diǎn)是,從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)看來(lái),對(duì)孩子過(guò)度的贊揚(yáng)會(huì)助長(zhǎng)其驕傲心理,他們依仗父母的寵愛,可能會(huì)染上各種壞習(xí)慣。

  205. ensure their normal growth and development促進(jìn)他們的健康成長(zhǎng)與發(fā)展

  206. the harmful effect of indulgence放任(孩子)的危害

  207. the inevitable by-products of the diploma craze文憑熱的必然產(chǎn)物

  208. lay too much emphasis on their candidates’ educational background過(guò)于看重應(yīng)聘者的教育背景

  209. win the employer’s favor獲得顧主的青睞

  210. Therefore, fake diplomas disturb the normal order of job markets and do great harm to society. 因此,假文憑破壞就業(yè)市場(chǎng)的正常秩序,對(duì)社會(huì)造成極大危害。

  . anti-forgery technology防偽技術(shù)

  212. fabricate偽造(文書)

  213. We should not only expose the fabricators through media but also punish them severely by law.對(duì)造假者不僅應(yīng)該通過(guò)媒體將其曝光,還應(yīng)該用法律手段嚴(yán)加懲罰。

  214. Some children become so addicted to the foreign snacks that they will go eating whenever possible.有些孩子對(duì)洋快餐迷戀到了極點(diǎn),一有可能就要去吃。

  215. junk food垃圾食品

  216. Through their contact with animal, children learn how to take care of those dependent on them, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility and cultivate their patience as well.通過(guò)與動(dòng)物相處,孩子們能學(xué)會(huì)如何照顧好那些需要關(guān)愛的動(dòng)物,有助于培養(yǎng)他們的責(zé)任感和耐心。

  217. However, for a few people, keeping pets is an ostentatious display of their wealth.然而,對(duì)某些人而言,飼養(yǎng)寵物只是炫耀財(cái)富的一種手段。

  218. cause serious hygiene problems 引發(fā)嚴(yán)重的衛(wèi)生問(wèn)題

  219. The barking of dogs and mewing of cats can also be an annoyance to the neighbors 狗和貓的叫聲會(huì)影響鄰里。

  220. As the saying goes, women can hold up half the sky.俗話說(shuō)得好,婦女能頂半邊天。

  221. They compete with men in many fields and contribute significantly to society.她們?cè)谠S多領(lǐng)域與男子一起開展工作,為社會(huì)做出了重要貢獻(xiàn)。

  222. They are no longer tied to the household chores and the job of bringing up their children.她們的工作不再僅于家務(wù)瑣事和養(yǎng)兒育女。

  223. Although women’s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized.盡管婦女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但她們的徹底解放依然任重道遠(yuǎn)。

  224. Their work is often undervalued and underpaid.她們的工作通常不被重視,薪酬較低。

  225. The elimination of such injustice requires the concern and efforts of the whole society.要消除這種不平等還需要全社會(huì)的關(guān)注與努力。

