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2008-03-10 17:31:59  來源:金陵中學(xué) 文章作者:王余健




        高考閱讀短文過去每年共有4篇。1995年和1996年各增為5篇,短文的體裁基本上可分為兩大類: 敘事性文體及說明性文體。其中敘事性文體又可分為幽默故事,歷史掌故,人物小傳,新聞報(bào)告等類別;說明性文體也可分為科技知識(shí),地理知識(shí),生活知識(shí),動(dòng)植物知識(shí)等科普型說明文以及諸如校園活動(dòng)安排通告類的短文。下表是1989—1996年高考英語閱讀理解短文體裁的統(tǒng)計(jì),對(duì)我們正確把握閱讀材料文體特點(diǎn)是頗有禆益的。



        高考閱讀理解對(duì)于詞匯的掌握有較高的要求。這不僅表現(xiàn)在學(xué)過的詞匯要求牢固掌握,而且表現(xiàn)在這些詞匯的意義,搭配,用法常常推陳出新,不動(dòng)一番腦筋就不易讀懂,如: make out {辨別,理解},grand master{物級(jí)大師級(jí)的棋手},three out of ten {十是有三},motor engineer{汽車制造業(yè)的工程師},an exhibition climbing{展示性登山};復(fù)合詞或衍生詞常常要求考生根據(jù)學(xué)過的詞根及詞綴來判斷詞義,有的實(shí)在不易準(zhǔn)確判斷,如: silencer{消音器}, renewable{可再生的},geothermal energy{她熱能},technique{技術(shù)},anti-poison medicine{解毒藥},figure{身材}等等。

        這些詞基本都是<大綱>基本詞匯,沒有超出<大綱>規(guī)定的詞匯知識(shí)及結(jié)構(gòu)知識(shí),但實(shí)際上它們的詞義和高中階斷學(xué)習(xí)的詞匯是有距離的常給理解帶來困難。如:1992{B}篇關(guān)于一次宇宙飛行的故事中,the boss對(duì)于兩個(gè)毛遂自薦的宇宙員的評(píng)價(jià)是:”they are the last people I’d trust 。{他們是我較信過的人}!倍鴮(duì)大多數(shù)考生卻理解為”他們是我較可信賴的人。”,意義恰好是南轅北轍。因此我們?cè)谄綍r(shí)應(yīng)多注意積累詞匯。多記常用詞的多義性,對(duì)詞根,詞綴知識(shí)也應(yīng)多加積累。
        如:geothermal是由geo—{地理,地質(zhì)}和thermo{ 熱,溫度}兩個(gè)詞根組成的,掌握這些詞根知識(shí)是有助于把握詞義的。











        On the evening of June21,a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi’an with his bicycle。The hotel workers received him and teltphoned the manager,for they had never seen a bicyclein the hotel hall before though they lived in the hotel hall before though they lived in” the kingdom of bicycles!盵!--empirenews.page--]

        Robert Friedlander an American ,arrived in Xi’an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi ,India。

        When he was 11,he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road。Now ,after 44 yeas he was on the Silk Road in Xi’an and his early reams were coming true。

        Robert Friedlander’s next destinations were Lanzhou,Dunhuang,Urumqi,etc。He will complete his trip in Pakistaan。

        1,The best headline for this newspaper article would be______。

        A The kingdom of Bicycles

        B A beautiful Hotel IN xi’an

        C Marco Polo and the Silk Road

        D An American Achieving His Aims

        2,F(xiàn)riedlanderis visiting the three countries in the following order:_____

        A  china, India, and Pakistan

        B  India, china, and Pakistan

        C  Pakistan, china, and India

        D  china, Pakistan, and India

        3,friedlander can be said to be _______。

        A clear

        B friendly

        C hardworking

        D strong-minded

        這三題都是考查綜合能力的,要求在綜合全文的基礎(chǔ)上作出判斷,短文敘述了一位55歲的美國(guó)男子,從11歲就向往著重走”絲綢之路”,終于在1992年開始了他的印度---中國(guó)---巴基斯坦的自行車旅行,這種旅行是需要決心,意志和毅力的。這樣,在綜合所有信息以后,可得出正確答案為1 {D},2{B},3{D}。



        Benin is one of the smallest African states。 It lies in west Africa on the gulf{海灣}  of guinea, to the south of Burkina Faso and Niger, between Togo on the west and Nigeria on the east。

        Benin used to be called Dahomey and was controlled and ruled by France from 1893 to 1960 , when it became independent {獨(dú)立} ,in 1963 the army general Soglo overthrew {推翻} the first president Maga。 Soglo set up an army government and replaced{ 取代},by a civilian{非軍人} ,government in 1967。 in December 1969 Benin had another change of power with the army again taking over{接管} 。 in may 1970, Maga and two other men set up a new government, with each of them acting as president in turn for two years。 However, half a year after Maga turned over power to the second man ahomadegbe, the three-man government was overthrow by the army once more and general kerekou became president。 In November 1795 kerekou changed the name of the nation from Dahomey to benin ,benin being the name of a 17th century kingdom covering the same place 。 kerekou also announced that benin would be a people’s republice based on Marxism-lenimism。

        1、which of the following maps shows rightly the positions of benin and its neighbouring countries?

        {Bn=Benin; TG=Togo; Nr=Niger;BF=Burkina Faso; Na=Nigeria;GG=Gulf of Guinea}

        2、choose the right order in which the following people ruled in Benin。

        {AH=Ahomadgbe; Ke=kerekou; Ma=Maga; So=Soglo}

        A  so,ma ah ma ke

        B  ma so ma ke ah

        C  so ma ke ma ah

        D  ma so ma ah ke

        3、when and how did benin get its two names----benin and dahomey?

        A dahomey was its oldest name, but it has been replaced by benin。

        B benin was its oldest name。 The name dahomey was used later , but gas been replaced by  benin again。

        C benin was its oldest name。 The benin was used later ,but has been replaced by dahomey again。

        D benin was its oldest name ,but it has been replaced by dahomey。

        這兒的三個(gè)題目中, 先進(jìn)題為識(shí)圖題,綜合一下短文先進(jìn)段內(nèi)容,可知內(nèi)寧位于非洲西部,瀕臨幾內(nèi)亞灣,在burkina faso 和niger 之南,其西為togo,其東為nigeria ,所到之處以{c}為正確答案,第二,三題要復(fù)雜些,必須首先對(duì)二段進(jìn)行分析,了解該國(guó)政權(quán)更迭的情況和順序以及該國(guó)的歷史變遷。該國(guó)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人從1960年首位總統(tǒng)Maga 開始,到1975年真馬似地共有五任。盡管頭緒繁多,線索還是比較清楚的。第二題正確答案是{D}。從文中知道,該國(guó)另一個(gè)名字-----達(dá)荷馬-----是法國(guó)殖民統(tǒng)治時(shí)的產(chǎn)物,在這以前,原址有上個(gè)國(guó)家叫內(nèi)寧。1975年,民族主義政府將國(guó)家名稱恢復(fù)為內(nèi)寧。因此第三題答案是{ B}。[!--empirenews.page--]





        1、定性分析。 閱讀理解中,較重要的分析方法是定性分析,這是語言的描述性功能所決定的。所謂定性分析就是針對(duì)某一特定內(nèi)容作出判斷分析,用較能說明這一特定內(nèi)容本質(zhì)特點(diǎn)的詞語加以表達(dá),而這些詞語又不能是短文中的原話。


        kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person a person the desire to steal 。 such a person is not really a thief。 They are sick and can not help themselves……

        which of the following words can best replace the word desire in the first sentence ?

        A change    B power     C right     D  wish



        I had just gone to had after very hard day when the phone rang。 It was an eccentric farmer。 I had never met him before although I had often heard people take about him。 He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything。 Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had a had accident 。 I hadn’t the slightest idea who she was but I obviously had to go 。

        It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn’t know the way。 I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place。 He was standing there , waiting for me 。it seemed Milly had died。 “she meant more to me than anyone……even my own wife。” He said 。 I could see that he had been crying 。 I thought something terrible had taken place , a possible scandal。 I was even more shocker when he told me he had put her in the barn !盜  wouldn’t leave her out in the cold! He said 。

        Milly had clearly been a secret lover of his 。 I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door。 He lifted his candle and I saw a dark figure on the ground !眘he was suck a good cow。” I wouldn’t let anyone but a doctor touch her。” She said ,and burst into tears again。

        1、the person who told the story is probably a ________。

        A  farmer  

        B  policeman

        C  country doctor

        D  newspaper reporter

        2、the underlined phrase make out in the first paragraph means________

        a  expect     b  understand   c  see clearly  d  hear clearly

        先進(jìn)題的答案我們地閱讀過程是一直是模模糊糊的,直到較后才能確定,應(yīng)該為{C}。在第二題中,短語make out  的詞典意義是 “辨認(rèn)出”和 “理解”的意思,一般人容易想到{C},{D}兩個(gè)選項(xiàng)。上下文告訴我們,這是一項(xiàng)電話約請(qǐng)醫(yī)生出診,所以{C}可以排除。但至此還不能輕易二結(jié)論。仔細(xì)推敲一下上下文,就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn){D}項(xiàng)中的副詞clearly 有點(diǎn)不對(duì)勁。這位怪僻的農(nóng)夫焦燥不安,語無倫次,根本就沒把話說清楚。醫(yī)生只是模模糊糊地了解到有一個(gè)人出了車禍,要他去搶救。如果他聽得清清楚楚,后面還會(huì)鬧這么大的誤會(huì)嗎。認(rèn)真分析短文以后,我們只能舍{D}。正確的是{B}。


        the idea of  fighting a noise by making more noise sounds strange, but that’s exactly what motor engineers are doing in Germany and some other  countries。

        Carmaker’s research and development laboratories have already proved that mixing in more noise with the help of loud-speakers can reduce the unwanted noise。

        Physicists have known about the technique for a long time。 Sound is made up of pressure waves in the air 。if two sound waves of the same frequency mix so that the highest point of one wave happens at the same time with the lowest point of one wave, the result is no sound 1 therefore ,by producing a perfect copy of the noise and delaying it by half a wave cycle ,we can kill the unwanted noise。 Using this teaching many carmakers are racing to develop noise-killing system both inside and outside the cars[!--empirenews.page--]

        Another good thing about the of noise killing system is that 2 it saves the need for a silencer , which not only reduces the weight of a car ,but also makes the motor burn less oil work better。

        Some engineers believe that the noise-killing system will be used in most cars in 1996。 but the carmakers haven’t decided if they will put it into production because it would add several hundred dollars to the cost of their cars 。

        1、which of the following gives a general idea of how the noise-killing system works?

        A  by producing pressure waves going in the opposite direction。

        B  by mixing high frequency sound waves with low frequency sound waves。

        C  by making copies of the unwanted sound waves and letting them out a little late。

        D  by mixing new sound waves with the noise and sending them out together。

        2、besides its main function the noise killing system can _______。

         A  make a car lighter

         B  make a car quieter

         C  reduce the cost of a silencer

         D  improve the performance of a silencer。

        這篇文章談的是消除噪音的方法,有一定的難度。特別是先進(jìn)題,稍不謹(jǐn)慎就容易弄錯(cuò)。根據(jù)4個(gè)選項(xiàng)分析短文中相應(yīng)的內(nèi)容,可知文中沒有談到消音時(shí)聲波的方向問題,故可排除{A};文是明確提到這種原理的基本點(diǎn)是頻率相同的聲波,故{B}也可以排除;文中確實(shí)談到: mixing in more noise with the help of loudspeakers can reduce the unwanted noise 。但沒有談將兩種noise 混合后同時(shí)放出來,所以{D}也不對(duì);較后看一下{C},它的意思是;“復(fù)制待消除的噪聲然后將其比原噪音稍晚一點(diǎn)放出。” 應(yīng)選{C},再看第二個(gè)問題reduces the weight of a car 的意思就是makes a car lighter,所以{A}是正確的答案,其他的也就不再看了。

        定性分析的方法大量地,廣泛地應(yīng)用在閱讀理解中,任何人做閱讀理解訓(xùn)練和診斷都會(huì)自覺不自覺地運(yùn)用這一方法?疾檫@種能力的題目是舉不勝舉的。上述幾個(gè)例子都是就某一關(guān)鍵句子或段落進(jìn)行判斷性分析,有點(diǎn)像英語學(xué)習(xí)中的paraphrase。 實(shí)際上,定性分析也有于整篇文章的。


        scientists would like to place a huge mirror in space above the earth。 it might be sixty miles wide。 It would direct the sun’s rays upon the earth s a child might do to make sunlight dance on the wall with a hand mirror。

        Why do they want to do this ? the sun’s rays could be helpful in many ways 。 they could light up cities by light 。

        The warn rays could stop frosts which might come at night and hurt fruit crops。 They could melt dangerous icebergs in the ocean。 Perhaps they could change cloud movements and bring rain where it is needed。 The huge mirror is ______

        A sth in a story    B already made    C just an idea  D to made soon

        文章先進(jìn)句話就說:“科學(xué)家們想要在地球上方的太空中安放一面鏡子!钡臎]有一處文字可以幫助斷定這面鏡子是已經(jīng)造就了,還是即將造就,或僅僅是一個(gè)夢(mèng)想。因此,,僅根據(jù)文字無法做出判斷,還必須分析一下作者的語氣。作者全文基本運(yùn)用了虛擬語氣,說明在可預(yù)見的將來,這種可能性是很小的。比較一下幾個(gè)可能的選項(xiàng),自然( c )是較好的答案。




        Do you always understand the direction on a bottle of medicine? Do you know what is meant by “take only as directed”? Read the following directions and see if you understand them。

        “To reduce pain, take two tablets(藥片)with water ,followed by one tablet every eight hours ,asrequired。 For night time and early morning relief(緩解疼痛)take two tablets at bedtime 。Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours。

        For children six to twelve years old ,give half the amount(量)。 For children under six years old, ask your doctor’s advise。 [!--empirenews.page--]

        Reduce the amount if you suffer from restlessness of sleeplessness after taking the medicine”

        1、How many tablets at most can a person over 12 have in 24 hours?

        (A)Three  (B)Four  (C)Six   (D) Eight

        2、How many tablets should a nine-year-old child normally take in 24 hours?

        (A)Half a tablet   (B)One tablet   (C)Two tablets    (D)Four tablets

        3、This text is most probably taken form a _________。

        (A)textbook      (B)newsreel    (C)doctor’s notebook  (D)bottle of medicine

        以上第1、2兩題為定量分析題,第3題為定性分析題。文章2、3、4三小節(jié)的行文格式。措施語氣,都是藥品說明書的寫法,所以第3題正確答案應(yīng)為(D)。對(duì)于第1、2兩題,應(yīng)先仔細(xì)分析2、3兩小節(jié)的內(nèi)容。 第2小節(jié)是針對(duì)成年人的,先談了兩種用藥的方法較后警告服用者24小時(shí)內(nèi)不得服用超過6片的計(jì)量。因此,6片是24小時(shí)內(nèi)所能服用的較大劑量。第3小節(jié)是針對(duì)未成年人的,6-12歲兒童服用此藥是劑量應(yīng)減半。根據(jù)第2小節(jié)的說明,采用先進(jìn)種用藥方法,成年人24小時(shí)內(nèi)應(yīng)服用5片,采用第二種用藥方法,成年人24小時(shí)內(nèi)應(yīng)服用4片,9歲的兒童用藥減半,應(yīng)為2—2.5片。因此,這兩題的正確答案為:1、(D),2、(C)。


        4、For how long was Benin under France?

        (A)For over a century      (B)For roughly a century

        (C)For over half a century   (D)Under half a century


        5、For how long was Benin an independent state before it became a People’s Republic?

        (A)15years    (B)25 years    (C )20 years     (D)30years





        Frank Smithson woke  up and leaned over to turn off the alarm  clock,  “Oh,no!” he thought to himself !盇nother day at that office ;a boss who shouts at me all the time。”

        What do we know about Frank ?

        (A)   He was a lazy man

        (B)   He was a lucky person

        (C)   He didn’t make a lot of money

        (D)  He didn’t get on well with his boss




        most animal have little connection with animals of a different kind, unless they hurt them for food。 Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership{伙伴關(guān)系} which does good to both of them。 You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep。 This is not because they want a ride , but because they find easy food in the parasites{寄生蟲} on sheep。 The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort。 So although they can manage without each other, they do better together。

        1、Some birds like to sit on a sheep because________

        A they can eat its parasites。

        B they depend on the sheep for existence。

        C they enjoy traveling with the sheep。[!--empirenews.page--]

        D they find the position most comfortable

        2、The underlined word “they” in the last sentence refers to _______--

        A birds and parasites  B birds and sheep  C parasites and sheep  D sheep, birds and parasites


        3、比較分析。 討論分析的方法時(shí),不可不討論另一種重要的分析方法----比較分析法。 比較分析之所以重要,是因?yàn)殚喿x理解對(duì)能力進(jìn)行考查的所有題目都以選擇題的形式出現(xiàn)的,要選出正確答案就得首先對(duì)四個(gè)選項(xiàng)進(jìn)行比較分析,進(jìn)而對(duì)閱讀短文中相應(yīng)的文字材料進(jìn)行比較分析。因此,做閱讀理解題時(shí),不管我們采取哪種思維方式,都少不了比較分析這一環(huán)節(jié)


        The basenji is a central African hunting dog。 It comes from a country called Chad, which is in the north of the Central African Republic。 The basenji was well-known as the “silent dog” because for centuries no basenjis had ever been known to bark。 Then at a dog show in London in 1953, a basenji actually barked。

        As well as being clever, basenjis are known for their natural courage and are still popular hunting dogs in Africa 。 but in America people keep them mainly because they are gentle and full of fun。 The basenji has an unusual habit ; it washes itself all over like a cat 。 it is a middle-sized dog 。16 or 17 inches high from the shoulder 。 it weighs about 20 pounds。 A basenji’s coat is short and silkly。 It may be brown, white, or, a mixture of these three colours。

        1、what made basenjis so special?

        {A} They were funny enough to make people laugh。

        {B} one of them barked at a dog show in London。

        {C} they were a true friend of man。

        {D} they were born quiet dogs。

        2、Americans like basenjis because they are_________

        A  pleasant    B pretty   C clean   D quite

        這兒,先進(jìn)題為定性分析題,第二題為因果分析題。但是由于兩題中所有選項(xiàng)孤立看都求易作出判斷,就得靠比較分析解決問題了。試比較先進(jìn)題的4個(gè)選項(xiàng),除了{(lán)B}項(xiàng)外都是basenji這一類犬的重要基本特征,似乎哪一項(xiàng)都言之有理。但緊扣題干中的關(guān)鍵詞special 進(jìn)行比較,就不難看出正確答案是{D}。 因?yàn)槿澜缬袩o數(shù)種類的狗,幾乎沒有不會(huì)吠的,而其他選項(xiàng)中表述的特征它們或多或少都具備,只有{D}項(xiàng)表述特征才是basenji這種狗的獨(dú)特之處,第二題的題目要容易一些,盡管4選項(xiàng)的內(nèi)容都有關(guān)basenji的特點(diǎn),但短文是明確提到美國(guó)人鐘愛狗的原因是因?yàn)樗鼈冃郧闇睾停挥星槿,所以比較下來,正確的應(yīng)該是{A}。




        Fat on human beings is distributed in different ways。 Some fat people have a large stomach and waistline, which makes them look round, rather like apples。 Others are fatter below the waist , which makes them appear pear-shaped。

        There are two types of fat: external fat {fat under the skin} and internal fat {fat inside the body wall}。 Doctors , who have been examining the relationship between health and fatness, have found that the “ pears” have less internal fat, but the “apples” have more internal fat than external fat 。 this seems to be what causes the health problems。

        The best treatment for fatness is to reduce the internal fat。 But unfortunately it seems that dieting simply make an apple-shaped person into a smaller apple and a pear-shaped person into a smaller pear。 At the moment there is no known way of reducing the internal rather than external fat。

        When a pear-shaped person becomes thinner, he/she loses more_______。

        {A} internal fat than external fat

        {B} external fat than internal fat

        {C} fat above the waist[!--empirenews.page--]

        {D} fat below the waist


        {1}凡減肥者都無法有效地減少其體內(nèi)深處脂肪。選擇題內(nèi)提到的梨形者是減肥者。所以, 形體形者是無法有效地減少其內(nèi)深處脂肪。

        {2} 減肥者減少的主要是皮下脂肪。選擇題內(nèi)提到的梨形者是減肥者。所以梨形者減少的主要是皮下脂肪。




        we walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn’t even lift her eyes from the book。 Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down。 While I wanted mouth open in surprise , mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold ,she pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up ,mum nodded and said, “very dirty floors!

        “yes ,I am glad they’ve finally decided to clean them! The nurse answer。 She looked at mum strangely and said , “but aren’t you working late?”

        mum just pushed harder, each wipe of the mop taking her father and father down the hall。 I wanted until she was out of sight and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book。

        After a long time mum came back 。her eyes were shining。 She quickly put the mop back and took my hand。 As we turned to go out of the door, mum bowed politely to the nurse and said, “thank you”。

        Outside, mum told me : “Dagmar is fine。 No fever!

        “Yes saw her, mum?”

        “of course。 I told about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow。 Dad will stop worrying as well。 It’s a fine hospital。 But such floors。 A map is so good。 You need a brush!

        1、when the nurse talked to mum she thought mum was a ________

        A  nurse  B  visitor   C  patient   D  cleaner

        2、after reading the story what can we infer about the hospital?

        A it is children’s

        B it has strict rules about visiting hours。

        C the conditions there aren’t very good。

        D the nurse and doctor there don’t work hard。

        3、from the text we know that Dagmar is most likely _________

        A  the story-teller’s sister

        B  mum’s friend

        C  the story-teller’s classmate

        D  Dad’s boss

        根據(jù)短文中護(hù)士的言談和舉止判斷,她把mum 當(dāng)成了清潔工所以先進(jìn)題應(yīng)是{D},但我們知道她是怎么弄錯(cuò),錯(cuò)在什么地方呢? 原來她作出一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤的三段論。



        {3}所以,Mum 是清潔工。

        這三段論的致命缺陷是,大前提到的清掃樓面的人實(shí)際上的是醫(yī)院工作人員,而小前提中的Mum卻并不是醫(yī)院工作人員{這一點(diǎn)護(hù)士當(dāng)然不知道}。 從語言方面看,這個(gè)推理只有三個(gè)不同的語詞,但從概念方面看,卻有四個(gè)不同的概念{兩個(gè)前提中 “清掃樓面的人”分屬不同的概念}。這在邏輯上稱為 “四概念”的錯(cuò)誤,我們?cè)谶M(jìn)行演繹推理時(shí)一定要注意避免這種錯(cuò)誤。另外,這個(gè)三段的大前提是護(hù)士從經(jīng)驗(yàn)中歸納而來的。她多次見到清潔工清掃樓面,于是以偏概全地得出結(jié)論:凡是清掃樓面的都是清潔工。這是輕率的概括,邏輯上叫做 “jump to the conclusion”, 是歸納推理的大忌。她再把這不可靠的結(jié)論當(dāng)作演澤推理的前提,豈有不錯(cuò)之理?[!--empirenews.page--]

        第二題屬歸納推理題,可用典型事例歸納加以解決。重溫一下先進(jìn)小節(jié),許多細(xì)節(jié)的敘述能給我們新的啟示。值班護(hù)士為什么見人連頭都不抬?Mum為什么一進(jìn)去就讓記者坐在椅子上,自己卻脫下用衣帽,輕手輕腳進(jìn)入電梯房的工具間,拿出清掃工具拖地呢?認(rèn)真做一下因果關(guān)系分析,合乎邏輯的解釋是:探視病人的時(shí)間已經(jīng)過去,值班護(hù)士不再接待病人家屬,也不會(huì)再入任何探視者入內(nèi),Mum大概已經(jīng)碰到釘子,知道醫(yī)院規(guī)定嚴(yán),無法通融,才會(huì)想出冒充清潔工入內(nèi)這一 “滑頭”的主意 。



        {三} 感受





