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高考英語:講究閱讀策略 識破廬山真面目

2007-12-11 12:39:48  來源:每日新報 文章作者:俞聲弟





  1.閱讀視幅(eye span)小








  1. Topic sentence ( subject, controlling idea ) 主題句

  2. Supporting sentence (A) 支持主題句的事例或細(xì)節(jié)

  3. Supporting sentence (B) 支持主題句的事例或細(xì)節(jié)

  4. Supporting sentence (C) 支持主題句的事例或細(xì)節(jié)

  5. Concluding sentence 結(jié)論


  Everywhere, you will always find “the white-haired boy”, sometimes called “the fair-haired boy”. He gets special treatment, as if he were above everyone else. You will find him in school, in college, at home, or where you work.

  In school, he is the teacher’s darling who can do nothing wrong. Sometimes she lets him do little jobs for her. He comes to class in the morning, all shiny and clean. He is always raising his hand, ready with an answer to the teacher’s questions. And he knows all the answers. He gets in you hair, especially if you are at the bottom of the class and the teacher you are stupid. How you hate him!

  At college, he walks——more often stride——across the school grounds as if he owned them. Sometimes he wears a colorful football or basketball shirt or sweater, with a bright red, or green or yellow college letter proudly worn on the front of it. What broad shoulders and what muscles he has! He makes the girls happy by just smiling at them. He has the mark of success on him.

  At home, “the fair-haired boy” is mother’s choice, her favorite. Sometimes, he is the oldest son——at times, the youngest. If you are in between, you are out of luck.

  Then, you discover that there are others who share your feeling, and are ready to “l(fā)et their hair down”——to tell you their private thoughts. One of them asks, “Why does he have all that I haven’t got?” You ask yourself the same question.

  Finally, there comes a day when you decide to stop hating him. Is it perhaps became he has been made the boss and you find yourself working for him?

  1、From the passage we can know “the white-haired boy” is _______________.[!--empirenews.page--]

  A、a boy whose hair is white B、a pet that does nothing wrong

  C、a child who is his mother’s favorite child

  D、a person who is lucky all the time

  2、“He gets in your hair” (in Paragraph 2) means “ ”

  A、he plays tricks on you

  B、he does up your hair

  C、he makes you a little angry

  D、he cuts your hair too short

  3、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A、The middle son is considered the unluckiest at home.

  B、The top student at college is the white-haired boy.

  C、Wearing colorful clothes can make you attractive.

  D、The teacher in school treats her students unfairly.

  4、In the author’s opinion, you finally stop hating the “white-haired boy” because __________。

  A、you have no choice but to face the fact

  B、you decide to try your best to be better than him

  C、you have been made the boss by him

  D、you are beginning to admire him


  1) 確認(rèn),分辨

  確認(rèn)就是要將有關(guān)的詞句、指稱看準(zhǔn)確,切勿張冠李戴,要行意結(jié)合,通過句式結(jié)構(gòu)和語言意義正確把握語篇內(nèi)容,同時對一句話或一個段落要進(jìn)行分辨,看講的是一個意思還是幾個意思,是屬于一個層面還是屬于幾個層面,并具有深層的含義,切勿囫圇吞棗。本文理解的關(guān)鍵就是先進(jìn)題的the fair-haired boy.

  2) 預(yù)期,印證

  在閱讀中對上下文應(yīng)有預(yù)期的能力,根據(jù)語篇的信息線索,主動地預(yù)期下文情節(jié)的發(fā)展,作者思路的走向。要把握好這種thread of thought(思維主線),還可以借助段落、綱領(lǐng)或主題句以及一些具體信息。還可以通過語篇的承接語,如however, yet, though等,以及句子功能的標(biāo)識語(indicator)等,還可以根據(jù)自己的前經(jīng)驗、知識及上下文對當(dāng)時所讀的書面信息或預(yù)期作出印證。

  3) 聯(lián)系,推斷


  4) 語域,語境

  每一個語篇都是有語域的,也就是說語篇所表達(dá)的環(huán)境定位、人物之間的關(guān)系、語篇的性質(zhì)等。語境指語篇中的各種語言環(huán)境因素,其中包括上下文、言語語氣、暗示等內(nèi)容。了解語域和語境對于準(zhǔn)確理解語篇起著非常關(guān)鍵的作用。因此,要學(xué)會利用語域和語境。而且是善于運(yùn)用于閱讀之中,如例文的第2題,注意語境especially if you are at the bottom of the class and the teacher you are stupid. How you hate him!

  5) 歸納,總結(jié)

  以上閱讀理解的基本要素不是互為孤立的,而是有機(jī)結(jié)合、互相滲透的。孩子在平時的閱讀中要有意識地進(jìn)行自我訓(xùn)練,利用綜合信息,善于得出結(jié)論,例文的話題是比較容易歸納和總結(jié)的,即:the white-hair boy is always lucky and fortunate, 如例文的第4題。
