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2020-08-23 19:28:09  來源:網絡整理



  八中高三期中英語考點有哪些?北京英語復習要抓緊!為了學習,廢寢忘食一點也不是難事,只要你挖掘了自己的潛力,一定能收獲自己的果實。下面小編就給大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">八中高三期中英語考點有哪些?北京英語復習要抓緊!希望對大家有所幫助哦!





  I wi。hIwere you.

  與過去愿望不一致,用主語+had+過去分詞,例如:Iwish I had visited the White House whenI was in the States與將來愿望不一致,用主語+would (could)+原形。

  2.It's time句型:當lt's tine后用that從句時應該為主i吾+should+動詞原形或主語十過去時,例如:It,s time thatyou went to school.或It's time that you should go to schooL

  3- If only引起的感嘆句相當于“How I wish+賓語從句”。

  (l)If only he could come.他要能來就好了。

  (2)If only I had known the answer.我要早知道答案就好了。

  4.WOuld rather,as if(though)引導的從句也需使用虛擬語氣,表示過去的情況用過去完成時,表示現(xiàn)在與將來的情況用過去時,例如:

  (l)I'd rather you posted the letter right away.

  (2)She loves the children as if they were hers.


  (1)介詞或介詞短語。如but for,but that,without,in case of, under more favorable condition等。

  (2)連詞。如so that, unless, in case, supposing,lest, provided(倘若……),for fear that(唯恐),in orderthat, on condition that, if only(要是……就好了)等。

  注意:lest, for fear that和in case引起的從句中謂語動詞多用should+動詞原形,但也可以不用虛擬語氣,而用動詞的陳述語氣形式。例如:The foreign teacher spokeslowly in case we misunderstood him這位外籍教師說得很慢以免我們誤解。

  (3)通過上下文及內在含義,句中往往有but,otherwise, unfortunately等類似轉折詞。

  without, but. but for, otherwise引起的短語或句子常暗含著含蓄條件。例如:

  ①Without you,1 would never know him

 、贐ut for your oooperation, we wouldn't have done it

 、跙ut that she was afraid, she would have said no. .

 、躨 would be most glad to help you, butI am busy now.

 、軮 would have come to the party yesterday, but ljwas working.

  ⑥I am busy now, otherwise l would do you the favor!





學而思愛智康個性化定制課程  咨詢請撥打:4000-121-121



  be / get / become used to 習慣于

  be given to 喜歡;癖好

  be related to 與…有關系

  be addicted to 沉溺于;對…上癮

  be opposed to 反對

  devote oneself to獻身于;專心于

  be devoted to 致力于;忠誠于

  be admitted to 被…錄取;準進入

  be reduced to 淪為


  be attached to附屬于;喜歡;依戀

  be adjusted to 適應

  be known to 為…所知

  be married to 和…結婚

  be sentenced to被判處

  be connected to 和…連在一起

  be exposed to 暴露于;遭受

  be compared to 被比喻成

  compare… to…把…比作…

  be engaged to 與…訂婚

  be / become / get accustomed to // accustomed to 慣于;有…習慣

  be engaged to 與…訂婚

  get down to 著手做

  lead to 導致

  object to反對;不喜歡;不贊成

  put one’s mind to全神貫注于

  give rise to 引起

  look forward to 盼望

  stick to 堅持

  pay attention to 注意

  attend to 專心;注意;照料

  see to 負責;注意

  contribute to對…作貢獻;有助于

  make contributions to對…作貢獻

  apply oneself to 致力于

  come close to幾乎;將近

  reply to 回答

  add to 增加

  add up to 加起來

  in addition to除…之外

  turn to轉向;求助于

  feel up to 能勝任于

  look up to 尊敬

  admit to承認

  belong to 屬于

  take to 喜愛;開始

  cling to 附著

  fall to 開始

  respond to 回答;對…作出回應

  accustom oneself to 使自己習慣于

  amount to等于

  prefer… to…更喜歡

  set an example to 給…樹立榜樣

  refer to 談到;參考;查閱

  agree to sth. 同意某事(比較:agree to do sth. 同意做某事)

  prefer… to…更喜歡

  take / make a trip to到…地方去

  join…to…把…和 …連接起來

  turn a blind eye to對…視而不見

  turn a deaf ear to 對…充耳不聞

  show honor to向…表示敬意

  put an end to(bring… to an end) 結束

  set fire to 放火燒……

  drink (a toast) to 為……干杯

  propose a toast to 提議……

  happen to… 發(fā)生了……事

  occur to sb. 想起;想到

  total up to 總計達

  be close to 幾乎;將近

  hold to 堅持;抓住

  help oneself to 隨便用……

  hold on to 抓住;固守

  do harm to 對……有害處

  do wrong to 冤枉某人

  date back to 追溯到

  when it comes to… 談到……時

  come to 來到;達到;結果為 (比較:come to do sth逐漸做某事)

  give an eye to著眼于

  have an eye to doing 打算

  the key to ……的答案

  describe to 向……描述

  treat sb. to sth. 請某人吃……

  trust sth. to sb.把某物委托給某人

  pay a visit to 參觀……

  access to 進入;取得的方法

  be a stranger to 不習慣;對……陌生

  on one’s way to 在去某處的路上;在達成某事的過程中

  be kind to 對……和善

  be important to 對……重要

  be senior to 年齡長于……

  be equal to 和……相等

  be particular to ……所特有的(比較:be particular about 對……過于講究;挑剔)

  be subject to 服從;隸屬;易遭\受\患

  be familiar to 為 ……熟悉

  be similar to 和……相似

  be open to 對……開放

  be loyal to 對……忠誠

  be helpful to對……有益處

  be useful to對……有用

  be good to sb對某人好(比較:be good for 對……有益處)

  be bad to 對……不好

  be bad for(比較:對……有害處)

  be new to 對……不習慣;對……陌生

  as to 關于;至于

  next to(否定詞前)幾乎;

  be due to do sth.預定要做某事

  next to ……的旁邊

  due to 由于;歸因于……

  thanks to 多虧了;由于

  owing to 由于;因……的緣故

  in / with regard to 關于

  in /with relation to 關于;就……而論

  subject to 在……條件下;依照

  be given to 沉溺于

  be related to 與…相關

  get down to著手做

  lead to 著手做

  object to / be opposed to 反對

  put one’s mind to全神貫注于

  be equal to 勝任

  devote oneself to獻身于

  give rise to 引起

  look forward to 盼望

  pay attention to 注意

  lead to通向 see to 負責

  access to 接近(某地的)方法

  be addicted to 沉溺于… 對…上癮

  according to 根據(jù)

  contribute to 為…作貢獻


  1. access to 接近,進入(某地的)方法; 通路

  The only access to that building is along that muddy track.


  2. according to 按照,依照,視……而定

  The work was done according to his instructions.


  3. be addicted to 沉溺于……,對……上癮

  He became addicted to the drug.


  4. belong to 屬于

  This dictionary belongs to me.


  5. contribute to 為……做貢獻,為……撰稿

  Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford to society.


  6. devote to 獻身,致力于……

  He has devoted his life to helping disabled people.


  7. due to 因為,由于……而起

  His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway.


  8. be equal to 與……相當,有能力勝任……的

  Bill is quite equal to running the office.


  9. get close to 靠近,接近

  Today many people like to go out to get close to nature.


  10. get down to 開始做某事,認真處理某事

  It’s time I got down to some serious work.


  11. hold to 忠于……,堅持,遵循

  Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.


  12. help oneself to 自取,自用(食物,飲料等)

  Help yourself to a cigarette.


  13. look forward to 盼望,期待

  We are so much looking forward to seeing you again.


  14. lead to 導致

  This misprint led to great confusion.


  15. prefer…to…兩者間更喜歡……

  I prefer walking to cycling.


  16. pay attention to 注意

  Pay attention to what the teacher is talking about!


  17. refer to 提到,涉及到,關系到,參考,查閱

  What I have to say refers to all of you.


  18. relate to 與……有關,涉及……

  Wealth is seldom related to happiness.


  19. see to 照看或處理某事物

  Will you see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting?


  20.stick to 堅持,不改變或不放棄

  We don’t want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts!


  21.turn to 轉向,求助于,轉而做

  The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink.


  22.used to 習慣于……,適應……

  She is quite used to working hard.




以上就是小編特意為大家整理的八中高三期中英語考點有哪些?北京英語復習要抓緊的相關內容,同學們在學習的過程中如有疑問或者想要獲取更多資料,歡迎撥打學而思愛智康免費電話: 更有專業(yè)的老師為大家解答相關問題!





