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2020-08-13 12:00:58  來源:網(wǎng)絡整理



  2020-2021年北京朝陽高三上學期期中英語試題及答案!作文是英語診斷較后一道大題,不論在時間分配上,還是在分數(shù)上,都顯得出其重要性。下面小編就給大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">2020-2021年北京朝陽高三上學期期中英語試題及答案,希望對大家有所幫助哦!






學而思愛智康個性化定制課程  咨詢請撥打:4000-121-121




  Words:652 難度系數(shù):☆☆ 建議用時:7′

  (2011年太原質量檢查)BELIEVE it or not,the color of the tie Barack Obama wore to the inauguration(就職典禮)is now a hotly debated topic.The level of public interest in Obama’s tie might seem strange but many people believe his choice will symbolize the type of government he plans to run,as the color of a politician’s tie is thought to convey ideas of power,trustworthiness and more.

  Polities of ties

  It may be the least practical item of male dress,but it is arguably the most expressive.In the UK and many other coun-tries around the world,conservative (保守的) politicians may wear a blue tie and their liberal opponents a red one.In America,the colors go the other way round.The Republicans have in recent years become associated with the color red,and the Democrats with blue.But in spite of this,Bush wears blue ties more often than any other color.

  What they mean

  According to Sharon Haver,editor of focusonstyle.com,in America the feelings associated with colors overrule their political significance.“A guy who wants to be regarded as strong and in charge would wear red,”Haver says.Unsurprisingly,the business tycoon Donald Trump is known for wearing red ties.But what about blue?According to Haver,“Blue is a softer color...Look at the sky.It’s peaceful and calm and trustworthy.”

  Selecting the right tie for the right occasion

  ●Perfect job interview tie

  Perhaps no other tie-wearing occasion is as important as the job interview.Gilchrist,the fashion expert,advises playing it safe and choosing a conservative one.Best choices are solids,stripes or small patterns.An excellent color is burgundy(深紅色) or another serious color.Avoid pink or yellow,which suggests that the wearer lacks gravity.

  Pattern ties,Gilchrist suggests,should be limited to a maximum of three colors.A striped tie is a safe choice as this is acceptable to everyone.Last,Gilchrist recommends saving the expensive“hip”tie for those applying for glamorous creative jobs.

  ●Date-night tie

  When picking out the right tie for taking a girl out on a date,spend more time considering color than pattern.According to studies,women are attracted to men wearing the color blue,because blue gives the image of a“stable,faithful,constant,always there”person.So what is the worst color to wear on a date?“Flattened caterpillar(毛蟲)yellow-green,”according to Gilchrist,“it will repel both sexes equally.”

  【解題導語】 美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬在就職典禮上打的領帶的顏色成為人們議論的焦點,因為其領帶的顏色代表了他執(zhí)政的風格。本文探討政治家們喜好的領帶的顏色與其政治風格的關系,以及人們在不同場合該選擇什么樣的領帶。

  1.Why are people interested in the tie that Obama wore to the inauguration?

  A.Because they think the tie he wore will enable them to know about his personalities and policies.

  B.Because they want to advise him how to select an appropriate tie for such a big occasion.

  C.Because they think the tie will tell if he is trustworthy as they expected when he assumes office.

  D.Because they believe the tie is an essential part of dressing to a mature politician like Obama.


  2.What can we infer about Bush,the former president,from the passage?

  A.He was probably liberal in his policies when he was in power.

  B.He was a Republican when he served as president.

  C.He wore only blue ties and had no ties of alternative colors.

  D.He wanted to make himself unique by the tie that he wore.


  3.The example of“the business tycoon Donald Trump” is given to __________.

  A.prove that color reflects people’s feelings to a certain degree

  B.show that Donald is so wealthy that he can afford expensive ties

  C.tell that Donald is physically strong and can handle everything

  D.explain that red is a popular color,especially with businessmen

  解析:選A?疾橥评砼袛。第三段說,希望被人視為強者和決策者的人喜歡打紅色領帶,商業(yè)巨頭Donald Trump喜歡打紅色領帶。作者提到這個例子是為了佐證前面提到的觀點,即顏色表達的情感壓倒了其政治意義,因此選A。

  4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

  A.Ties can be ignored by politicians since they are the least practical item of male dress.

  B.Do choose ties carefully before dating,because it is the most important occasion.

  C.Why to avoid pink or yellow ties in job interviews is that they don’t match the atmosphere.

  D.The more colorful the tie is,the more likely you’ll get the job you want.

  解析:選C?疾橥评砼袛唷H慕榻B了領帶的顏色與政治家們的主張與行為之間的聯(lián)系,可見領帶對政治家們的重要性,因此A項錯誤;較后部分談到求職刪掉和男女約會時如何選領帶,說找工作的刪掉是較重要的場合,因此B項錯誤,此時應該選用代表嚴肅的顏色,因此D項錯誤,從Perfect job interview tie中的敘述可知C項正確。



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