

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

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  • 上海




當前位置:北京學而思1對1 > 小學教育 > 小學英語試題 > 正文


2019-06-27 15:22:27  來源:無憂考網(wǎng)







  A young puppy was playing near a farmer’s house . He was jumping about happily when he fell into a well . He swam for a while and tried to climb out , but could not . He thought he was going to drown(淹死)in the well . He told himself that he would not give up trying .

  One hour passed and the puppy was tired and cold . As he looked up at the top of the well , he saw an object falling towards him . It was a pail(水桶)which landed very close to him . “ This is my only chance to save myself . ” The puppy said to himself . He swam to the pail and climbed into it . Soon , he was out of the well . The farmer came to draw up a pail of water and saved the puppy .

  ( )1. The well was .

  A. on a farm B. near the sea C. in a town D. near a market

  ( )2. To get out of the well , the puppy tried to .

  A. call for help B. swim under the well

  C. look for help D. climb out of the well

  ( )3. The puppy was afraid that .

  A. the pail might hit him B. he might drown in the well

  C. the pail might not find him D. he might be cold and tried

  ( )4. Why did the farmer throw the pail into the well ? Because .

  A. he wanted to kill the puppy

  B. he did not want the pail

  C. he needed to get some water

  D. he wanted to save the puppy

  ( )5. What can you say about the puppy ?

  A. He was a clever puppy . B. He was a lazy puppy .

  C. He was a foolish puppy . D. He was a stupid puppy .


  Dates The Great Wall Hote1 Youyi Hotel

  Prices(1 week)





  Oct.1~Dec.31 $546 $568

  --- ---

  $516 $528

  $756 $788

  $696 $718

  ( )6. Living in the Great Wall Hotel is than living in Youyi Hotel .

  A. cheaper B. dearer C. fewer D. more

  ( )7. How many months of a year are the hotels open ?

  A. One . B. Ten . C. Eleven . D. Twelve .

  ( )8. If you live in the Great Wall Hotel in May for seven days , you will spend .

  A. $546 B. $696 C. $538 D. $516

  ( )9. If you spend $718 in Youyi Hotel , it is in .

  A. September B. November C. April D. January

  ( )10. It is cheaper to live in the Great Wall Hotel from October to December than from to .

  A. April , May B. January , February

  C. June , September D. May , July




  One day , the teacher gave a test to the class . She asked the students to write a paper . She t them , “ Write about what you would do if you had four hundred thousand dollars . ”

  All the students began w . It was very q in the classroom . It took them an hour to write it except(除……之外)Tom . He wrote only h a minute . Then he just sat

  a the desk . He didn’t write another word .

  When the teacher asked them to stop , the students gave their p to the teacher . And the teacher looked at them . At last , the teacher looked at T paper . She was very surprised , and she read it o , “ This is what I would do if I had four hundred thousand dollars . ” Then the teacher said , “ I don’t understand you , Tom . All the others in our class wrote two pieces of paper , but you just wrote one line(行). After that you didn’t write anything e . ”

  “ That’s right , ” Tom said , “ This is what I would do if I had four hundred thousand dollars—n . ”




  1~5 ADBCA 6~10 ACDBC


  told writing quiet half at papers Tom’s out else nothing






