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當前位置:北京學而思1對1 > 小學教育 > 小學英語試題 > 正文


2019-05-24 17:14:02  來源:無憂考網



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  一 正確寫出下列句子 5%

  Don’t kick the ball to Jim.


  What would you like as a birthday present?


  二 在下列選項中選出發(fā)音不同的那一項10%

  ( )1. A. head B. read C. sweater D. breakfast

  ( )2. A. good B. who C. broom D. too

  ( )3. A. teacher B. please C. sea D. really

  ( )4. A. throw B. brown C. how D. down

  ( )5. A. worker B. corner C. word D. world

  ( )6. A. front B. come C. got D. son

  ( )7. A. blow B. down C. how D. flower

  ( )8. A. bird B. birthday C. April D first

  ( )9. A. May B. day C. away D. Monday

  ( )10. A. out B. touch C. country D. cousin


  三 中英互譯 15%

  1.大眼睛的男孩_______________________ 2.穿白色短裙的女孩______________________

  3.一些年輕的女服務員_________________ 4.在7:05_______________________________

  5.在周末_____________________________ 6.所有的孩子___________________________

  7.在五月三日_________________________ 8.從周一到周五__________________________

  9.在花園里___________________________ 10.喜歡游泳_____________________________

  11.a sports hall _____________________12.a map of the world __________________

  13.a camping site ____________________14.History Museum_______________________

  15.e-mail address____________________


  四 單向選擇 10%

  ( )1.–Are the rulers ______? –Yes, they’re _______.

  A. your; our B. yours; my C. yours; mine

  ( )2–Hi, Jim! ___________? –Let me see. It’s about four thirty.

  A. How old are you? B. What’s the time? C. What’s your watch?

  ( )3.–________________? –That’s Tom’s ruler.

  A. Who’s Tom’s ruler? B. Whose ruler is it? C. What ruler is that?

  ( )4.Lily is a friend of _______.

  A. hers B. her C. she

  ( )5.________ are all in Class 3.

  A. You, he and I B. I, you and he C. He, I and you

  ( )6.The twins ________ new students _______ our class.

  A. are, in B. is, in C. are, at

  ( )7.The books are on the desk. Can you see________?

  A. it B. they C. them

  ( )8.Those are __________.

  A. apple tree B. apple trees C. apples trees

  ( )9.The _________ coats are over there.

  A. twins B. twin’s C. twins’

  ( )10.Let’s go ______ home.

  A. to B. his C. /


  五 配對 10%

  ( )1. Is this your pen? A. He’s a worker.

  ( )2. Is there a pen on the desk? B. Some grapes, please.

  ( )3. What’s your father’s job? C. Some bread and two eggs.

  ( )4. Is your father a worker? D. All right.

  ( )5. How many boys are there in your class? E. Yes, it is.

  ( )6. Can I help you? F. No, he isn’t.

  ( )7. How old are you? G. No, there isn’t.

  ( )8. What’s for breakfast, Mum? H. Yes, I can.

  ( )9. Can you use a fork? I. I’m twelve.

  ( )10.Shall we go now? J. Eighteen.


  六 完成下列對話 10%

  A: It’s a football. Is it ______?

  B: No, mine is here.

  A: ________ football is it?

  B: Maybe it’s _______.

  A: Look, he is ______ there.

  B: ________ go and ask Mike.

  A: Hi. Mike! _______ this your ball?

  C: No. But I know it’s Ben’s.

  A: OK. Let’s give it ______ him.

  B: And then we can ______ football in the ________.

  A: Good ______!


  七 閱讀理解,判斷正誤,正確的用T表示,錯誤的用F表示 10%

  Mr Brown looks out of the window. There is a boy in the street. He is eating a sandwich.

  There is a dog in the street, too. The boy says, “Come here, good dog. am going to give you some sandwiches.” The dog comes up. The boy kicks the dog. The dog runs away.

  Mr Brown comes out of the house and says to the boy, “Come here, I’m going to give you some money. The boy is happy and goes to Mr Brown. But Mr Brown doesn’t give him any money. He kicks the boy.

  The boys cries and says, “Why are you kick me? I don’t ak you for money.” “The dog doesn’t ask you for any sandwich.” Mr Brown says, “bur you kick it.”

  ( ) 1. The boy is having some bread in the street.

  ( ) 2. The boy doesn’t give the dog any sandwich.

  ( ) 3. The boy likes the dog.

  ( ) 4. Mr Brown wants to give the boy some money.

  ( ) 5. Mr Brown is going to give the boy a lesson.


  八 根據中文意思完成下列句子 10%

  1.明天你們干什么? 我們去野餐。

  _________________________tomorrow? We are ____________________________________.

  2. 非洲的氣候非常炎熱。

  _________________in Africa_______________________.

  3. 請問,我去郵局怎么走? 你可以乘10路公共汽車。

  Excuse me,___________________________________? You can _______________.

  4. 有許多公共標志。他們意思指不同的事。

  __________ many _______________here. They ___________________

  5. 不要在教室里扔球。把它傳給我。

  _____________________________ in the classroom. _______ it __________.


  九 根據實際情況回答問題 10%

  1. When’s your birthday?


  2. What did you do last weekend?


  3.Are there any public signs in your school?


  4.Who is your Maths teacher?


  5.How is your mother?







