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預約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學員個性化學習需求 馬上報名↓



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2019-04-15 12:55:09  來源:中考網










1. The horse is getting old and cannot run ____ it did.   

A. as faster as        

B. so fast than        

C. so faster as        

D. as fast as   

2. The students are ____ young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty. 

A. most            

B. almost            

C. mostly            

D. at most   

3.This year they have produced _____ grain____ they did last year.   

A. as less, as        

B. as few, as        

C. less, than        

D. fewer, than   

4. ---- Can I help you?   

---- Well, I'm afraid the box is ____ heavy for you, but thank you all the same.

A. so              

B. much              

C. very              

D. too   

5. ---- Excuse me, is this Mr Brown's office?   

----I'm sorry, but Mr Brown____ works here. He left about three weeks ago.   

A. not now          

B. no more          

C. not still          

D. no longer   

6. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ____ tractors in 1988  as the year before.   

A. as twice many    

B. as many twice        

C. twice as many      

D. twice many as   

7. ----Will you give this message to Mr White, please?   

----Sorry, I can't. He ____.   

A. doesn't any more work here            

B. doesn't any longer here work   

C. doesn't work any more here            

D. doesn't work here any longer   

8. How ___ can you finish the drawing?   

A. long            

B. often.              

C. soon            

D. rapid   

9. She doesn't speak ____ her friends, but her written work is excellent.   

A. as well as      

B. as often as          

C. so much as      

D. as good as   

10. "Can you read?" Mary said ____ to the notice.   

A. angrily pointing                    

B. and point angrily   

C. angrily pointed                      

D. and angrily pointing

11. John plays football____, if not better than, David.   

A. as well            

B. as well as          

C. so well          

D. so well as   

12. We all write____, even when there's not much to say.   

A. now and then                      

B. by and by   

C. step by step                        

D. more or less   

13.----Do you remember ____he came?   

---- Yes, I do, he came by car.   

A. how          

B. when            

C. that          

D. if   

14. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _______ great it is.   

A. what          

B. how            

C. however        

D. whatever   

15. We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining ____.   

A. badly          

B. hardly          

 C. strongly        

D. heavily   

16.   I walked 8 miles today. I never guessed that I could walk ______ far.   

A. much            

B. that              

C. such            

D. as   

17.   They _____ to our proposal.   

A. have not still responded    

B. have not responded still   

C. have still not responded    

D. still have not responded   

18.   True hibernation takes place only among ______ animals.   

A. whose blood is warm      

B. blood worm   

C. warm-blooded            

D. they have warm blood   

19.   He works ______.   

A. lone            

B. lonely          

C. alone            

D. lonesome   

20.  A _____ road goes ______ from our college to the center.   

A. straight…straight    

B. straightly…straightly   

C. straight…straightly  

D. straightly…straight   

20. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _____ he grew up as a child.   

A. which          

B. where            

C. that              

D. when   

21. We'll have to finish the job,_____.   

A. long it takes however                

B. it takes however long   

C. long however it takes                

D. however long it takes


1. 答案是D. 同級比較的結構為 "as+ 副詞原形+ as".   

2. 答案是C. almost 意為 "幾乎"、"差不多",at most 意為 "至多", 均與語意不合。most 意為"多數(shù)的",mostly是副詞,意為"主要地"、"大部分地"。   

3. 答案是C. 答題的關鍵是要知道grain 為不可數(shù)名詞。   

4. 答案是D. 本題考查對基本句型的掌握。從表面上看,4個選項似乎都可以修飾形容詞,而且從上下文中也很難找到提示。其實,命題者有意將題中to carry省略。如果能判斷出其省略部分,便很容易想到too…for sb. to do 這個句型。   

5. 答案是D。通過信息句"He left about three weeks ago." 可判斷出空白處強調的是時間   "不再"。 no longer 常在句中強調時間,而no more 常強調數(shù)量和次數(shù)。   

6. 答案是C. 表示倍數(shù)的詞或其他程度副詞作修飾語應放在as…as結構的前面。   

7. 答案是D. no more與no longer 變?yōu)?not …any more 或not…any longer時,any more或any longer 要放在謂語動詞后。   

8. 答案是C。long 指一段時間,不能與終止性動詞finish 連用;often指時間頻度,即每隔一段時間發(fā)生一次動作;rapid 是形容詞不能修飾動詞。   

9. 答案是A. 用 well修飾speak, as well as 為同級比較,與否定詞not 連用,意為"不及……好"。   

10. 答案是A. angrily pointing 為分詞作狀語,表示伴隨情況。還應注意副詞的位置。 

11. 答案是B. 這是同級比較,全句可理解為John plays football as well as David, if he doesn't play better than David.   

12. 答案是A. 從題干的 "even when there's not much to say" 這一信息句可知,空白處應為時間狀語,而 now and then 正是時間狀語,意為 "有時"、"不時地"。   

13. 答案是A.. by car 是方式狀語,所以疑問副詞應是how.   

14. 答案是C. however 是連接副詞,修飾形容詞great并引導出一個狀語從句。   

15. 答案是D."下大雨"應說 rain hard/heavily.   

16----20 BDCCA   

21. 答案是B. 關系副詞where 引導出一個定語從句,修飾the small town.   

22. 答案是D. however 是連接副詞,引導出一個狀語從句。



  2019年初中期末診斷英語作文:Learn Chinese

  2019年初中期末診斷英語作文:The Great Changes

  2019年初中期末診斷英語作文:My Favorite Animal



