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2019-01-28 18:19:40  來源:百度文庫

2019年初三寒假英語練題目:閱讀理解!英語的學(xué)習(xí)是需要循規(guī)蹈矩的,從單詞開始,先背下足夠的單詞,然后在開始被句子,將自己大腦中的單詞和句子贊到一定的量后,在開始學(xué)習(xí)語法,較后研究寫作,下面小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">2019年初三寒假英語練題目:閱讀理解。








Many students are always afraid not to do better in the tests and became worried. Here are some tips to get over the test anxiety (診斷焦慮癥)。


Before the test:


★ Review and practice lessons until you are full of confidence(自信).


★ Get a good sleep the night before the test.


★ Arrive at test places a bit early.


★ Avoid reviewing the lessons with other anxiety –filled students.


During the test:


★ Write down key information that might be forgotten.


★ Take a moment to look through the test to learn about the type and quantity of questions.


★ If you meet a hard question, relax and move onto the next question you feel confident answering.


★ Take deep breaths if you feel stressed in the test.


★ Stop negative and self-defeating(自我懷疑) thoughts. Repeat “ I can do this ”.


★ Don’t rush. High points are not given to students who hand their test in early.


★ Review the test carefully before handing it in. Make sure that you are careful and won’t make any mistakes.


( ) 11. Students should ____ on the night before the tests.


A. listen to lots of music


B. have a good sleep


C. exercise and surf the Internet


D. have some good food


( ) 12. Students should spend some time to look through the paper to ______.


A. learn about the type and quantity of questions


B. get to the test places earlier


C. write down key information


D. make sure get the answers all right


( ) 13. The sentence “Stop negative and self – defeating thoughts, Repeat ‘I can do this’ .” means ____.


A. everything is very easy for you


B. students should have many self –defeating thoughts .


C. students should be confident during the tests


D. negative and self-defeating thoughts are necessary




I was walking home from work on a busy city street. I wasn’t looking forward to going home and my friends weren’t able to hang out with me. Then I walked past a homeless person that I hadn’t seen before . He was moving back and forth to keep warm and asking for change (零錢)very gently. He spoke so quietly that I could hardly hear him.


Something made me stop, turn around and walk up to him. At the same time, anxious thoughts appeared in my head like, “What do you think you’re doing? ” “You’re alone , it’s dark out and you’re a woman. ”


With these thoughts, I came up to him and asked him if he had had dinner yet and if he would like to join me at a nearby restaurant.★ He said he hadn’t eaten and he’d like to. So, he walked with me to the restaurant and held the door open for me as we entered. We had a good dinner and a pleasant conversation about everyday stuff like where we grew up and what kind of music we liked. During the whole time, I tried to say the right thing and give him the dignity everyone has. I didn’t want to show that I was better than anyone.


I was so grateful for this experience. It changed my life. It’ll make me think twice in the future before I complain about something I think I lack(缺乏).


( ) 14. Which of the following is true about the author ?


A. She was excited.


B. She was alone.


C. She was planning to go home.


D. She was hanging out with her friends.


( ) 15. In the fourth passage, the word “dignity” means ________.


A.尊嚴(yán) B. 尊重 C.尊享 D.自尊


( ) 16. How was the author feel when she walked to the homeless man ?


A. She was tired.


B. She was sad.


C. She was anxious.


D. She was happy.


( ) 17. Why did the author talk to the homeless man about the music we like ?


A. Because she wanted to make friends with the homeless man.


B. Because she wanted to dance with the homeless man.


C. Because she wanted to sing along with the homeless man.


D. Because she wanted to make the homeless man feel good about himself.




Toshiba created an android(似人的機(jī)器人) named Junko Chihira to work in a new tourist information center in Japan.


The android can speak Japanese , Chinese and English. She made her first show a few weeks ago in Aqua City Odaiba, a shopping center in Tokyo. Now Junko Chihira is greeting visitors as they walk in, but in some months, she will be able to provide tourists with information in the area.


Junko Chihira is the successor(換代產(chǎn)品) to another Toshiba android named Aiko Chihira, who served as a greeter in a store in Japan in April. Aiko Chihira was created by Hiroshi Ishiguro, a robotics researcher at Osaka University in Suita, Japan.


Like Aiko Chihira , Junko Chihira can only answer with pre-set speech. But Junko Chihira will be improved by 2017 so that she can answer tourists’ questions.


Junko Chihira can speak one language than Aiko Chihira----Chinese, according to The Japan Times. Not only was Junko Chihira created to look like a human, but was made more realistic. How tall is Junko Chihira ? She stands at 5 feet and 5 inches.


Toshiba plans to make more androids in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olymipics to help tourists. An android is also used as the lead in a new Japanese movie.


請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 選擇較好選項(xiàng)。


( ) 18.Where does Junko Chihira come from ?


A. America. B. Asia. C. Europe. D. Africa.


( ) 19. What is the second paragraph mainly about?


A. Who Junko Chihira was invented by.


B. When Junko Chihira was invented


C. What Junko Chihira can do .


D. What Junko Chihira looks like.


( ) 20. Which is the correct order about the development of androids in the future ?


① Junko Chihira can answer tourists’ questions.


②More androids will work for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.


③Junko Chihira can provide information for tourists in the area.


A. ②①③ B. ③②① C. ③①② D ①③②


( ) 21.What can we learn from the passage ?


A. Junko Chihira is much taller than Aiko Chihira.


B. Junko Chihira will be seen in a new Japanese movie.


C. Junko Chihira is a buautiful actress.


D. Junko Chihira can speak two foreign languages.






Here is some information about the activities that you can do during your stay in Granada, Spain.




Going to the theater is the best way to experience Spanish culture. In Granada, the two most popular theaters are the Alhambra Theater and the Isabel la Catolica Theater. 22.




23. All movies are translated(翻譯) into Spanish and they will help foreigners improve their Spanish.


Amusement Parks


24. If you want to go a bit further away (1 to 2 hours by car), you can find several amusement parks in the province of Malaga.


Spanish Entertainment (娛樂)


When travelling to Spain, don’t miss the flamenco(弗拉曼柯舞) shows. Flamenco music and dance come from the gypsies(吉普賽人). 25 Most of them are on the Camino del Sacromonte Street.




If you just want to go out and have fun, you can find many other kinds of entertainment in several places in Granada.


A. In Granada you can find several flamenco clubs.


B. In these theaters you can see all kinds of Spanish plays.


C. The only amusement park in the province of Granada is the water park.


D. If you want to learn Spanish in Spain, the cinema is a good place.


E. You can do many other activities during your stay in Granada,too.


22.                23.               24.               25.               




A)11—13BAC B)14—17BACD C)18—21BCCD D) 22—25BDCA








