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2019-01-24 20:34:35  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理




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  today is new year's eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. as long as you take a look at the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come together to form a red sea. the family have their own homes going up in the beautiful, it seems like in the match. my family is no exception, sweeping, glass, cabinets, such as rubbing. prepare the arrival of the new year.

  afternoon, we posted in accordance with the custom of the chinese new year couplets, father and a good paste, and then said to me: "i paste you posted, i looked at the high level you say 'rich', said that if the lower 'rising' good you ", i asked my father why? dad said: "the plan is a lucky," "oh, i understand," we posted on the alliance are: evil hongfu family happy is: wang gas people to come into everything.

  end paste new year, we began dumplings. good luck to tim, we are still a dumpling in a bag of coins. dinner, my folder, a dumpling, one to eat, "cough," the voice of a coin吃出for my whole family applauded, and say that i am lucky this year. after dumplings, we saw the chinese new year festival, my favorite essay

  and "yellow soybeans." liu qian first a one-dollar coins into the cup, then into the host egg rings. "bean yellow" in a person to "take off clouds" that they "li xiangyun" really funny. no wonder people say: "spring festival evening show" is a cultural feast.

  against the sound of the bell, "speakers" sound guns up. people poured out of their homes. pat the sound of firecrackers greeted the arrival of chinese new year.


  下午,我們就按過年的習(xí)俗貼春聯(lián),爸爸和好漿糊,然后對我說:“我貼你看著高低我貼高了你就說‘發(fā)財’,如果低了就說‘高升’好嗎”,我問爸爸為什么呢?爸爸說:“就是圖個吉祥”,“噢我懂了”我們貼的上聯(lián)是:家有宏福千般喜,下聯(lián)是:人來 旺氣萬事成。

  貼完春聯(lián),我們就開始包餃子。為了添吉祥,我們還在一個餃子里包了一個硬幣。吃晚飯時,我夾了一個餃子,一吃 “咯”的一聲,吃出一個硬幣全家人都為我鼓掌,說我今年有福氣。吃完餃子,我們又看了春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會,我較喜歡劉謙的魔術(shù)


  零點 的鐘聲響了, “叭”炮聲響起來了。人們涌出家門。劈劈啪啪的鞭炮聲迎接新春的到來。


  這年除夕,桃花村的人們正扶老攜幼上山避難,從村外來了個乞討的老人,只見他手拄拐杖,臂搭袋囊,銀須飄逸,目若朗星。鄉(xiāng)親們有的封窗鎖門,有的收拾行裝,有的牽牛趕羊,到處人喊馬嘶,一片匆忙恐慌景象。這時,誰還有心關(guān)照這位乞討的老人。只有村東頭一位老婆婆給了老人些食物,并勸他快上山躲避“年” 獸,那老人捋髯笑道:婆婆若讓我在家呆一夜,我一定把“年”獸攆走。老婆婆驚目細(xì)看,見他鶴發(fā)童顏、精神矍鑠,氣宇不凡。可她仍然繼續(xù)勸說,乞討老人笑而不語。婆婆無奈,只好撇下家,上山避難去了。

  The middle of the night, "years" to break into the village of animals. It found that the village atmosphere, unlike in previous years: the first lady Village home, the door paste big red, brightly lit candles inside the house. "Year" all animalsa bang. "Year" towards mother-in-law home glower moment, then head over the pastforward. Almost at the entrance to the hospital from a sudden "bang flap" sound of bombing, "year" every tremble, and then move forward together a dare. In fact, "year" fear red flames and炸響. At this time, opening the door to let mother-in-law's house, wearing only a hospital Dahongpao elderly laughter. "Year" scaring the daylights out, embarrassed fled the spurt.


  New Year's eve, is the day when I most like.  Because mother said that the day can go to sleep in the morning, because even fell asleep will also be new firecrackers wake.  On New Year's eve, in addition to being able to eat a lot of delicious things, can also receive a lot of red envelopes, you can also watch TV for a long long time, really is so happy.  A red envelope is New Year's money, since ancient times, elders will send children lucky money on New Year's eve, seems to be a meaning of exorcism disaster, mother said to put "lucky money" in under the pillow, pillow to sleep on it. I really do as this way, because it is very new.  I also looked at the Spring Festival gala, the deepest memory is the "hello, I am leave." "Why? Why is this?" Whenever I say this, mom and dad laughed, because I copy too like said.











