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2018-12-19 17:47:31  來源:網絡整理





  英文版:Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin. It's also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola so he is also called St.Nicholas. He was the bishop of Asia Minor city of Rafah and he was called a man of God after his death. He is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.He has white mustache. He comes from the north on a blowmobile every Chrismas Day. He went into people's houses by the track and he put the presents into children's socks. So in western countriesparents put the gifts to their kids in kids' socks and put them on the head of the bed on Chrismas Eve. On the second day the first thing after kids wake up is to find the presents from Chrismas Fathers.



  There is a farmer had a child suffer hunger and cold in a snowstorm raging Christmas night, let him eat a sumptuous Christmas dinner, the children say goodbye to fold a fir tree branches ed on the ground and blessing: "this year, gift full branch, this beautiful fir tree reward your kindness." After the child walked, the farmer discovered that the branch turned into a small tree, and he realized that he had received a God's messenger. This story is the source of the Christmas tree. In the west, whether Christians or not, a Christmas tree should be prepared at Christmas to increase the happy atmosphere of the festival. The Christmas tree is usually made of evergreen trees such as cedar and cypress, symbolizing life long. A tree decorated with a variety of lampsdecorated toys stars, hang all kinds of Christmas gifts. On Christmas Eve, people sing and dance around the Christmas tree and are happy.這是一個真實的圣誕節(jié)故事,在圣誕節(jié)創(chuàng)造的奇跡,在距圣誕節(jié)還有兩天的時候,一場劇烈的風暴襲擊了小教堂,教堂的一大塊石膏掉下來,雨水侵蝕,圣壇后的一塊石膏掉了下來。傷心的牧師和他的妻子振作起來參加了一個拍賣會,牧師較后拍得一塊珍貴的金色和象牙白相間的蕾絲桌布,準備回去布置好,擋住那個損壞的地方。這個故事都是由這一塊美麗的桌布而起。牧師拍走的這塊金色和象牙白蕾絲桌布讓一對因為戰(zhàn)爭而分離走散多年的夫妻團聚了。假如牧師得到了這塊桌布,卻沒有讓那個在寒風中領漂泊的婦女進入教堂,又假如這位婦女較后取走了這塊屬于她的桌布,那這個婦女還能和她的丈夫重遇嗎?  at christmastime, men and women everywhere gather in their churches to wonder anew at the greatest miracle the world has ever known. but the story i like best to recall was not a miracle—not exactly.  it happened to a pastor who was very young. his church was very old. once, long ago, it had flourished. famous men had preached from its pulpit, prayed before its altar. rich and poor alike had worshiped there and built it beautifully. now the good days had passed from the section of town where it stood. but the pastor and his young wife believed in their run-down church. they felt that with paint, hammer, and faith, they could get it in shape. together they went to work.


  In the middle of the night I hear a scream, one I'll never forget. As I awake, I wonder. was Lilly having a nightmare? Had Jake watched a scary movie before bed? Did a mysterious noise make Bella wakeup? As these questions ran through my mind, I thought nothing of them. I slowly crept towards jakes room, he had heard the scream too, but was too scared to get out of bed. I told him to go back to bed. That everything was okay. But inside I felt as though I was living a nightmare myself. Then I heard Bella, she was crying, something wasn't right. but Bella was okay. As quiet as I could, I opened Lilly's door. "honey? are you okay?". She didn't answer. Again i asked, "Honey? Are you awake?". As i lifted the sheets...She was gone. Where had my baby girl gone? I ran all over the house. She wasn't anywhere. When I walked by her room again, the window was open. As I looked out the window, I saw Lilly. A man threw her into the trunk of his car, as if she was a rag doll. That was the last time I saw my sweet little girl. My angel. She was only 8, and someone took her away from me, stolen from her own home. I instantly called 911, heartbroken, I tried explaining what had just happened. The police arrived, but there was nothing they could do.


  A month after the incident, the doorbell rang. It was christmas eve, so I thought it was just another gift from grandma an grandpa. I read the label. There wasn't a return adress? or any adress? Just a box, with a card. I opened the card to read it. It read "merry christmas, here's your angel back". My heart stopped. Was the card referring to my daughter? I opened the box, in horror, I fell to the floor. They gave me back my daughter...in pieces.










