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2016-12-19 14:28:32  來源:本站原創(chuàng)



— — 學(xué)而思初中課程在線預(yù)約 — —


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  1.大多數(shù)人 most people→ the majority of the population

  2.經(jīng)常 often→frequently

  3.我相信 I believe→ from my standpoint, from my perspective

  4.必須 must→ it is a must for us to…

  5.知道 know→ be aware of

  6.因為 because→in that

  7.較后 at last→eventually

  8.然而 but→however、otherwise

  9.如果 if→provided that

  10.各行各業(yè)的人 all kinds of people→people from all walks of life

  11.引起,導(dǎo)致 lead to→contribute to 、bring about、result in

  12.人 people→individuals、human being、citizen

  13.好的 good→desirable, beneficial

  14.壞的 bad→undesirable、wicked

  15.很多many→ numerous

  16.越來越 more and more→ a(n.increasing/mounting number of

  17.很 very→extremely、quite、awfully

  18.方面 side→aspects

  19.表明 show→demonstrate, indicate

  20.利用 use→utilize

  21.因此/結(jié)果 so→therefore

  22.部分 part→proportion

  23.提高 improve→enhance、raise、advance

  24.改變 change→transform

  25.強調(diào)/重視 emphasize→ attach great importance to

  26.培養(yǎng) develop→cultivate

  27.破壞 destroy→undermine

  28.解決 deal with →tackle /figure out

  29.普遍的 everywhere→universal

  30.明顯的 obvious→apparent

  31.在當(dāng)今社會 in the modern society→in the current society

  32.使 make→enable


  1.are you available?if it's convenient for you, could you..?(你是否有空,如果你方便的話,你能...嗎?)ps:這句話可以拆成兩句使用,以先進個問號為界。

  2.I wonder if you could...(我想知道您是否能...)

  3.there's no doubt that...(毫無疑問…)

  4.so it's no wonder that...(難怪...)

  5.they are a symbol of...(它們是…的代表)

  6.however long the night ,the dawn will break(不管黑夜多漫長,黎明總會到來)

  7.as far as I'm concerned(就我而言)=from my point of view(這個比較高級)

  8.you need to make clear your goal, take effective measures and try to turn your dream into reality whatever happen(你需要一個明確的目標(biāo)并施以有效的措施然后把你的夢想變成現(xiàn)實,不管發(fā)生什么)

  9.nowadays, breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon, causing serious harm to our life.(如今,不遵守交規(guī)以及亂扔垃圾現(xiàn)象已不常見,對我們的生活帶來了很大的危害)

  10.there's no denying that(不可否認的是…)

  11.people need to learn to face the reality(人們需要學(xué)會面對現(xiàn)實)

  12.worse still, many people are not aware of the reality, causing serious harm to our daily life.(更嚴重的是,許多人沒有意識到這一事實,對我們的日常生活造成了嚴重的傷害)

  13.let's say goodbye to those uncivilized behaviors to create a beautiful future.(讓我們對那些不文明的舉止說不,創(chuàng)造一個美好的未來)

  14.I'm maintain that everything exists reasonably, that is, we should respect the people from all walks of life.(我認為存在即合理,這就是說,我們應(yīng)該尊重生活中各行各業(yè)的人)

  15.they work all days whenever windy or rainy.(他們整天都在工作,不管刮風(fēng)還是下雨)

  16.it's high time that we should obey our behaviors to create a harmonious society.(我們是時候規(guī)范自己的舉止去創(chuàng)造一個和諧的社會了)

  17.where there is a will, there's a way.(有志者事竟成)

  18.as a saying goes"there's no free lunch in the world"(正如諺語所說,世上無免費的午餐)

  19.they should get respect as much as those engineers and doctors.(他們應(yīng)該得到如同工程師和醫(yī)生所受到的尊重一樣)

  20.as the proverb goes(曾有一個短語是這么說的...)

  21.I wonder if you could do me a favor=I'd like you to do me a favor, would you..(我想請您幫個忙,您是否能...)

  22.here's some good news for you(有些好消息告訴你)

  23.I believe they will appeal to many customers in+國家 as well.(我相信某國家的顧客也會喜歡它們的)

  24.I'm so delighted to know that..(我很高興得知..)

  25.he praised me for what I had done(他贊揚了我的行為)

  26.she was mach better and I breath a sigh of relief.(她好多了,我也松了一口氣)

  27.I really felt proud of myself(我真為我感到自豪)

  28.last +星期,it was memorable for me for I had a unforgettable experience.(上個+星期,對我而言是難忘的,因為我有一個難忘的體驗)

  29.once in a lifetime.(一生只有一次的機會)

  30.you can imagine how worried I was at that time.(你可以想象當(dāng)時我多么著急)

  31.much to my relief(令我十分欣慰的是)

  32.the thing that matters is not whether you have failed but whether you have tried(要緊的不是你是否失敗了而是你是否嘗試了)

  33.this is really such a special experience that I will never forget.(這確實是一次特殊的經(jīng)歷,我將永難忘記)

  34.people need to learn to face the reality.(人們需要面對事實)

  35.it's not easy for people to realize their dreams every time.(人們每次都能實現(xiàn)他們的夢想是不容易的)

  36.such a situation seems fairly common in our society.(在我們社會中這種情形似乎很普遍)

  37.only in this way can we make our dreams come ture.(只有通過這種方式我們才能夢想成真)

  38.there's long way to go before a dream is achieved(在實現(xiàn)夢想前還有很長的路要走)

  39.so a dream is simply a dream until you decided to turn it into reality.(因此,夢想僅僅是夢想直到你決定將它變成現(xiàn)實)

  40.everyone hopes to have an elegant living environment.(每個人都一樣生活在一個優(yōu)美的環(huán)境中)

  41.time and tide wait for no man.(時不我待)

  42.I'm writing this letter to share with you my opinions(我寫信給你是和你分享一些我的想法)

  43.so it goes without saying that...(因此,不用多說…)

  44.when it comes to dreams ,everyone has his own,big or small.(說到夢想,每個人都有或大或小的夢想)

  45.meanwhile, those with strong will and determination can conquer one challenge after another and succeed eventually.(同時,那些具有頑強意志和毅力的人能夠克服一個又一個困難直至成功)

  46.A mother's love never changes(母愛永恒)

  47.my reason are as follows.(我的理由如下)

  48.I would highly appreciate it if you could take my view into consideration.(如果你能考慮我的建議我將不勝感激)

  49.blood is thicker than water.(血濃于水)

  50.confidence is the first step on the road to success.(自信是通往成功的先進步)

  51.they are effective ways to improve our communication and language skills.(它們是提高我們交際和語言技能的有效方法)

  52.By taking part in these activities ,studrnts can put what they learn into good use and improve their spoken English as well.(通過參與這些活動,孩子們能夠很好的學(xué)以致用并且提高他們的英語口語)

  53.friendly ,enthusiastic and determined, I'm ready to meet the challenge that lie ahead.(友好,熱情,意志堅定,我準(zhǔn)備迎接將要面對的各種挑戰(zhàn))

  54.I firmly maintain that students will love these activities.(我相信孩子們都將喜歡這些活動)

  55.I think I'm fully qualified for the job.(我認為我完全有資格勝任這份工作)

  56.I will spare no efforts to serve students heart and soul and try to make their school life more colorful.(我將不遺余力地全心為同學(xué)們服務(wù),努力使他們的校園生活更豐富)

  57.from now on,I should try my best to stay with my dear parents as often as possible.(從現(xiàn)在起,我將盡我所能陪在父母身邊)

  58.it's obvious that I should care about my parents'feeling(顯然,我應(yīng)該關(guān)心我父母的感受)

  59.it's ture that our way of life has been changing in modren society.(在現(xiàn)代社會,我們的生活方式一直在發(fā)生變化)

  60.As teenagers,we should spend some time communicating with our parents ,telling them what's happening in our lives.(作為青少年,我們應(yīng)該花時間父母交談,告訴他們我們生活中發(fā)生的事)

  61.as we all know,our parents have made a great sacrifice to bring us up.(我們都知道,父母親為撫養(yǎng)我們做了很大的犧牲)

  62. it's high time that we reflected on our behavior to improve the relationship beween us.(為了改善我們的關(guān)系,現(xiàn)在我們真該反省我們的行為)

  63.constant communication can help them understand us better and create a pleasant relationship beween us.(經(jīng)常的交流能幫助他們更好的理解我們,構(gòu)建融洽的關(guān)系)

  64.it's clear that we ignore how our parents are feelings.(顯然,我們忽視了父母的感情)

  65.in this way,we can avoid misunderstanding due to lack of communication.(這樣,我們就能避免因缺乏交流而導(dǎo)致誤會)

  66.as far as I know,your foundation can help these species that are at the edge of distinction.(據(jù)我所知,你們基金會能幫助那些瀕危物種)

  67.it's well-known that WWF aims to help endangered species worldwide.(眾所周知,世界自然保護基金組織的目的是在世界范圍內(nèi)幫助瀕危物種)

  68.with,the development of society,the environment is becoming worse and worse which has put some rare species in a difficult situation.(隨著社會的發(fā)展,環(huán)境正在惡化,這使一些稀有物種處境困難)

  69.A good book is the best of friend ,the same today and forever.(一本好書,相伴一生)

  70.lacking necessary social experience teenagers tend to be taken in by bad persons(由于缺乏必要的社會經(jīng)驗,青少年很容易被壞人欺騙)

  71.should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it?(我們是口頭說說而已還是采取實際行動保護地球呢)

  72.only when we match our words with actions can we made a different in whatever we hope to accomplish.(只有當(dāng)我們言行一致時,我們才能在任何希望完成的事情上有所作為)

  73.DO nothing by halves(凡事不可半途而廢)

  74.dreams are only dreams until you decided to make them come ture.(夢想僅僅是夢想,直到你決定把它們變成現(xiàn)實)

  75.every effort, however small,will surely make a difference.(每一份付出,無論多么微小,必定有所作為)

  76.it's not what you say but what you do that matters.(要緊的不是你說什么而是你做了什么)

  77.it's likely that they will benefit from what they have done.(他們很有可能從自己的行為中受益)

  78.let's take action to protect the environment from now on by doing every little bit thing(讓我們從現(xiàn)在做起,從點滴小事做起,保護環(huán)境吧!)

  79.there's no denying that protecting the earth is really protecting ourselves.(不可否認的是保護環(huán)境就是保護我們自己)

  80.we cannot emphasize the importance of actions too much.(我們怎樣強調(diào)行動的重要性都不過分)

  81.on the one hand, I can earn some money to lighten the burden of my family,on the other hand,I can accumulate the social experience which does good to my future life.(一方面,我可以掙些錢減輕家庭負擔(dān),另一方面我可以積累社會經(jīng)驗,這對我將來的生活有好處)

  82.besides, if time permits, I will visit some place of interest in the city to broden my horizons.(此外,如果時間允許,我要參觀一些名勝以開闊視野)

  83.first, I am going to be a volunteer to teach English in my hometown which can help the children to improve their English.(首先,我打算當(dāng)志愿者教英語以提高孩子們的英語)

  84.besides, my friend and I are going to visit the nursing home in my community, where we can help the aged.(我和朋友們打算去養(yǎng)老院幫助老人)

  85.care and deligence bring luck.(只有謹慎和勤奮才能抓住機遇)


 、賂here are different opinions among people as to ... Some people suggest that ...

 、赥here is an old saying ...It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.

  ③Nowadays,it is common to A. Many people like A because ... Besides, ...

  ④Everything has two sides and ... is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.

 、...has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

 、... has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(整理自網(wǎng)絡(luò) 如有侵權(quán) 聯(lián)系刪除)


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