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2016-11-11 13:18:19  來源:網(wǎng)絡整理



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  I.具特征: L_____,  H_____, S______,

  B______,A____........ ,……... .  或T___......,…..  . (前后半句有反意的信息) 果斷填寫

  1、(13普陀) It was quite difficult, and I had to study very hard. L   88   , I got a good mark in the exam in the end.

  2、(13浦東一模)   H  __90__  , Ross Anderson, a computer security engineer at the University of Cambridge, thinks the i _ _91__  could put Microsoft in big trouble.

  3、(13浦東二模)   It’s not easy for us to forgive(原諒) someone who has ever hurt you or made you disappointed. H    86    , several new studies say that it could be good for your health.

  4、(11上海)   B____96____, you need to make up a story.

  5、(13長寧) A___87___ he had not seen it for more than 20 years, he recognized it immediately.

  6、(13奉賢)A____89____ the Internet has made our world better in many ways, in some ways it can be a bad influence.

  答案: 1. Luckily 2. However  3.However 4.Besides 5. Although 6. Although

  II. 具特征much/even______      … than…                          加形容詞比較級

  1.(13奉賢)The Internet makes it much e____86____ for people to search for information.

  2.(13松江)“Goods online are often much c  _ 88_   . It also saves me a lot of time.

  3.  (13楊浦) Some pop groups find that m  86    people listen to their songs on their mobile phones than they do on CDs. So many people have mobile phones that sometimes you don’t know when your phone rings.

  4. (13楊浦二模)When there is only one parent, of course the responsibilities of looking after the children are much h____89____ for him or her.

  Keys: 1.easier 2. cheaper  3.more  4.heavier

  III. 具特征w______ doing       i______ of doing

  1.(13崇明)  You will be able to review your teacher’s lecture w___92___ even getting online again.

  2.(崇明二模)One family in the UK went “back in time” to see what life was like w  96      having all the modern inventions.

  3. (青浦二模) Many parents always do almost everything for their children i____ of letting

  them know how to be independent.

  Keys: 1.without 2. without  3. instead

  IV. 具特征w______ A or B      e______ A or B

  1.(中考模擬)In this way, they could find out w_______ the stranger was a friend or an enemy.

  2.(13閘北二模)In all, 50% of Wayview students get to school in a vehicle, e  88   the bus or a car.

  Keys: 1. whether   2. either

  V.  關注轉(zhuǎn)折詞  in fact, but, however 一般前后意思相反

  1.(崇明二模)“Life is speeding up. Everyone is becoming unwell.” This may sound like something someone would say t   92    . But in fact, an unknown person who lived in Rome in AD 53 wrote it.

  Keys: 1. today

  VI.  具顛覆整句句意的詞:h____, s_____, r_____

  1.(中考模擬) 80% British people who take part in the survey feel that their neighbours h_____ pay attention to others’ feelings.

  2.(12徐匯)“I don’t see what’s so interesting about these hutongs. The streets are too narrow--- I could h___91___ drive my car down them.

  3. (12靜安)At home, girls learned washing, cooking, dancing, and the basics of taking care of a household. Poor children s  91    attended school.

  4.(13虹口二模) I like driving, just out of pleasure. It’s lucky that I s________ drive without a passenger. So I can earn three or four thousand yuan a month easily.

  Keys:1. hardly 2. hardly  3. seldom  4.seldom

  VII. 具修飾整句子的副詞: r_____, e_____

  1.(中考模擬)But have all these developments r   93     improved the quality of our lives?

  2. (12浦東)Nobody knows e   88   how many Hutongs there are in nowadays Beijing.

  Keys: 1.really  2. exactly


  A and B   特點   1詞性相同   II意思相近or 相反

  變式:逗號, or, but, better than, rather than, from A to B

  1.(13普陀一模)I got on the plane with ten other passengers. We took off from the runway and c   90    higher and higher.

  2.(13奉賢)But remember to use the Internet p____92____ and wisely.

  3.(13崇明)In an online classroom your teacher’s lecture is written rather than s___88_____.

  4.(12上海)    Cycling with a large guided group is better than r____92 ____ alone.

  5. (12 黃浦)   Later, I knew an exam was a kind of competition. In competitions, there are always w   90    and losers.

  6.(13浦東一模)Microsoft is developing a new software that could accurately guess your name, your age, your s   87   and possibly even your location.

  7.(11楊浦)“Don’t throw out your o  93   running shoes. They are better than modern ones,” the study suggests.

  8.(13浦東二模)They also have fewer headaches, l    90     blood pressure(血壓), and fewer problems on sleeping.

  9.  (12寶山)It has one hundred and three levels and six thousand five hundred windows. Visitors can ride in one of seventy-three elevators that take them from the b__87__ to very near the top of the building. Some of these elevators are very fast, reaching the eightieth floor in only forty-five seconds.

  Keys: 1. climbed 2. properly  3.spoken  4.riding 5. winners 6. sex  7. old 8. lower

  9. bottom



  1.(12浦東)But if we connected all the Hutongs together, their total l   89  would even be longer than the famous Great Wall, which is about 4,000 miles.

  2.(13靜安二模)You can even look on the Internet at sites such as E-bay. Or you can have an e  92   of things you have for something else that you would like to have.

  Keys: 1. length 2. exchange


  1.(13普陀)My parents visited space last year, but I was too y   86    to go with them.

  I admit that for a few seconds I felt a little n   91    when I sat in the space shuttle.

  2.(12靜安)In the Renaissance Period (文藝復興時期) (1500-1650), people became interested in higher education. They wanted to learn the a  86    languages such as Greek and Latin – languages that were used in the old times, and study mathematics, science, and so on. Many universities were set up during the 16th century.

  3.(11靜安)Don’t feel worried. It’s not your fault(過錯)! Being bullied can make you feel very l  93___  and angry, but you are not alone.

  4.(13閔行二模)In the Northeast and Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble because of the c____86____ weather in February or March.

  5.(13閔行二模)Low air pressure (壓力) may make people f____91____. People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low air pressure days.

  6.(12徐匯)“It’s really s___87___ --- we’re in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world, but in these hutongs it feels as if we are in a village in the countryside.

  Keys: 1.young  nervous  2. ancient 3. lonely  4. changeable  5. forgetful  6. surprising/strange


  1.(13松江一模)“Middle school students should pay more attention to their study. Searching for things  w   92    their time.”

  2.(13閘北一模)Many online stores o  87   a big discount and free delivery service.

  3. (13浦東二模)On the other hand, studies p    87     that something like anger can change you

  4.(12靜安二模)University education was a privilege (特權) of the rich. Girls were not allowed to attend and poor people could not a 87   to go.

  Keys: 1.wastes  2. offer  3. prove  4. afford

  ★動詞過去分詞(被動語態(tài)) 特征: be動詞+V(P.P)+ (by)

  1.(13松江二模)Beyond supermarkets, barcodes are n   89    everywhere: for renting cars, for luggage checks on a plane, for parcels you send;

  2.(13閔行二模)Are you feeling sad, tired, unhappy or hard to remember things today? If you have one of the above feelings, it may be c____92____ by weather because weather influences people’s health, intelligence and feelings.

  3. (12黃浦二模)In Africa, when an antelope (羚羊) wakes up every morning, the first thing it thinks about is, “I must be able to run faster than the fastest lion, or I will be  k____ 86____ .”

  4.(12靜安二模)He might study at different universities and since( 既然) the teaching was all d 88  in Latin, it didn’t matter(v. = be important )  which country he studied in.

  5.(13長寧二模)In many countries, oral storytelling is still important, but in most countries now, stories are written down and p    88      in books.

  Keys: 1.needed  2. caused  3.killed  4. designed/done  5. printed/published


  1.(13長寧) The package consisted of a long, narrow box, c___86___wrapped(包裝) in brown paper.

  2.(13閘北)Young students are e  91   attracted by advertisements on the Internet and buy things they don’t need.

  Keys: 1.carefully  2. easily


  3.(13閘北)“I like eating duck neck very much and I often buy it on Taobao from shops in Wuhan. It’s much more delicious than w  90   our local stores sell.”

  4.(13楊浦)Now you can have a different sound for every person you know. Your address book is used to find out w  91   is calling.

  5.(12松江)Now speaking the foreign language is w   87    most people want.

  Keys: 1.what  2. who  3. what


  1、pay a_____ to 關注

  2、f_______ on an interesting person  關注一個有趣的人

  3、a_____ wine to the recipe  把紅酒加入菜譜

  4、by h______用手寫        5be on s_____ 大甩賣   6to my s_______ 讓我吃驚的是

  7、be so d_____ from  與…如此不同

  8、be the s______ as  與…相同

  9、It o           us good opportunities to meet people from other countries, learn about their c_____ and c_______.


  10、in p_____ 在公眾場合

  11、financially i________ 經(jīng)濟獨立

  12、have no i______ in following fashion 對追逐時尚不感興趣 —> show great i_____ in…

  13、be l_____ / c_____  to … 連接到。。。

  14、B____,= In a_____, 除此之外

  15、b_____ A and B  在兩者之間

  16、 l______ traffic 交通通暢 h_____ traffic  交通擁擠

  17、be n_____ about  對。。。緊張   he feels so f______ 感到如此驚恐

  18、be p_____ with 對。。。耐心      be c_____ with 對。。。小心(13楊浦)

  19、make their teachers feel w_______ 使他們的老師感到擔憂

  20、think about c_____ for help  想到求助他人

  21、be more l______ to do  更有可能做

  22、keep his p______  信守諾言

  23、a_____ the world= t_______ the world  整個世界

  24、share many life e_________  分享很多生活經(jīng)歷

  25、get into the h______  養(yǎng)成習慣

  26、sth. you are f______ with 你所熟悉的。。。

  27、do r______ on the Internet 在網(wǎng)上做調(diào)查

  28、be f______ for 以… 而

  29、be f_____ of =be k_____ on喜愛

  30、be a_____ with sb. 對… 生氣

  31、be m____ up of 由…組成

  32、be l_____ in/on 坐落于…

  33、be p____/s______ with 對…滿意

  34、have a s    _      of public manners 有公共道德的意識

  35、do something in e_______  做些事作為交換

  36、travel for s_______  觀光旅行

  37、search for the a_____/k______ to the mysteries of space  尋找太空秘密的 答案

  38、the b_________ of the 20th century. 20世紀初葉

  39、from then o________ 從那時起

  40、I sat there w_______ what to do. 我坐在那里想知道做什么


  1.attention  2. focus  3.add  4. hand  5. sale 6. surprise

  7.different 8.same  9. offers customs culture  10.public

  11.independent 12.interest13. linked/connected

  14. Besides addition 15. between 16.light heavy

  17.nervous frightened 18.patient careful 19.worried

  20.calling/crying21. likely 22.promise

  23.around  throughout 24. experiences

  25.habit 26.familiar27.research 28.famous

  29.fond keen 30.angry 31. made 32 located.

  33.pleased/satisfied 34.sense 35.exchange

  36.sightseeing37.answer  key 38.beginning

  39. on 40 wondering.

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