

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預(yù)約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報名↓



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當(dāng)前位置:北京學(xué)而思1對1 > 小學(xué)教育 > 小學(xué)升初中準(zhǔn)備 > 正文


2016-10-19 17:02:06  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理



  Dear Teacher: Thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter of recommendation . My name’s XXX, 13 years old this year, from XX primary school in Tianjin XX District. Comply with a model at school during the "Code of Practice for pupils." Respect teachers, concerned about the collective, love of labor. To "primary day-to-day code of conduct" strict demands on themselves, actively take part in school activities. Moral aspects: As the colonel was once a three-year "students Miyoshi", two district-level "students Miyoshi," municipal year "Miyoshi students." Has repeatedly won the "Student of civilization," "Little Angel of love", "Kids Learn”, the title. Public-spirited activity: Many students in poverty-stricken areas to contribute money and household goods. As "XXX old folk’s home," the old people offer love, warmth, by the old people's praise and affirmation. Study areas: Pay attention to the teachers. Answer the questions actively. I’m interested in learning, especially the English. I have gotten PETSⅠ certificate, EETS ⅢB certificate. Held at the school "into the life of Happiness English" Oral English Competition, won the first prize. And has made "information technology Test" Ⅲ certificate. Sports: An active part in physical exercise, PE is fine grade, outstanding physical quality, in good health. Personal specialities: mild and helpful. Class precursors for the production of voluntary classes reported by the teachers and students at home.I have many interests, music (erhu) arts, has eight levels of the erhu. Attended "Jin Wan Newspaper" organized by journalist training, many times the author submission and publication. At the first "Top Ten small contributors tonight," won the Award of "Excellent contributor" title. I believe I have the ability to become a member in TFLS and look forward to your evaluation of the test. Thank you. Best wishes, XXX

  譯文:尊敬的老師: 您好! 感謝您在百忙之中閱讀我的自薦信。 我叫XXX,女,今年13歲,來自天津市XX區(qū)XX小學(xué)。在校期間模范遵守《小孩子守則》。尊敬師長,團結(jié)同學(xué),關(guān)心集體,熱愛勞動。以《小孩子日常行為規(guī)范》嚴格要求自己,積極參加學(xué)校組織的各項活動。 德育方面:曾經(jīng)三年被評為校級“三好孩子”,兩年區(qū)級“三好孩子”,一年市級“三好孩子”。連續(xù)多次榮獲“文明孩子”、“愛心小天使”、“學(xué)習(xí)小博士”、“勞動小能手”稱號。熱心公益活動,多次向貧困地區(qū)同學(xué)捐款、捐物。為“XXX養(yǎng)老院”的老人們獻愛心,送溫暖,受到老人們的夸獎和肯定。 學(xué)習(xí)方面:上課認真聽講,積極回答問題,勤于思考,自覺學(xué)習(xí),各門課程成績優(yōu)異。尤其在英語方面,學(xué)習(xí)興趣濃厚。已獲得PETS一級證書,EETS三級B證書。在學(xué)校舉辦的“走進生活,快樂英語”英語口語大賽中,獲一等獎。并且取得了“天津市初等信息技術(shù)診斷”二級證書。 體育方面:積極參加體育鍛煉,體育成績優(yōu)良,體質(zhì)素質(zhì)優(yōu)秀,身體健康。 個人特長:性情溫和,樂于助人。自愿為班級體制作班報,受到老師和同學(xué)們的好評。愛好廣泛,喜愛民樂(二胡)藝術(shù),已具備二胡八級水平。曾參加“今晚報”舉辦的“小記者培訓(xùn)”,多次撰文投稿,并發(fā)表。在首屆“十佳今晚小撰稿人”評選活動中榮獲“優(yōu)秀小撰稿人”稱號。 我相信我有實力成為貴校的一名新生,期待您的考評診斷。 此致敬禮!
