

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學員個性化學習需求 馬上報名↓



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當前位置:北京學而思1對1 > 初中教育 > 初中英語 > 正文


2016-05-18 16:27:50  來源:愛智康





  1.來吧,孩子們!該吃午飯了。Come on, children. to have lunch.

  2. 六點鐘了,該吃晚飯了。It’s six o’clock.supper.

  3. 莉莉,七點了,該起床了。It’s seven o’clock, Lily._________________________.

  4. 她遇到了很大的麻煩。讓我們幫助她吧。 She is now in great trouble.

  5.都來了,咱們開會吧。Everyone is here.a meeting.

  6.奧運會了。讓我們?yōu)樗鳇c什么吧! The Olympics are coming . ________________________ something for them.

  7.博物館很近,為什么不走著去呢? The museum is quite near. __________________?

  8.干嘛不給他買本英文字典?他太需要了。 ____________________ him an English dictionary? He is in great need of it.

  9.今天天氣很熱,為什么不和我們一起去游泳呢? It's very hot today. ________________________ swimming with us?

  10.我今天沒有時間去看望他們。明天怎么樣? I have no time to see them today. ?

  11.明天是星期天,去參觀“鳥巢”怎么樣? Tomorrow is Sunday. _________________________ visiting the Bird Nest?

  12. 我覺得數(shù)學和物理一樣有趣。 I think maths is ________________________________ physics.

  13.聚會一小時以后開始,孩子們正忙著打掃教室。 The party will begin in an hour. The children ____________________the classroom.

  14.他正忙于備戰(zhàn)中考。 He the Senior High School Entrance Examination.

  15.我國體育健兒正忙于準備2008年北京奧運會. The Chinese playersthe 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

  16. 我一到那兒就把這個MP4給他。 I’ll give him this MP4___________________________I get there.

  17. 你一到上海就給我打個電話好嗎? Will you please call me you get to Shanghai?

  18. 我很高興他昨天一到那里就給我打電話了。 I’m glad that he called me up he got there yesterday.

  19. 這架照相機太舊,不能用了。The camera is .

  20.這些孩子太小了不適合看那部電影。 The children are see that movie.

  21. 昨天因為交通擁堵,他們開會遲到了。the meeting because of the heavy traffic yesterday.

  22.林濤昨天上學遲到了。Lin Tao _______________________ school yesterday.

  23.吃太多的肉對你的身體沒好處。 ______________________ your health to eat too much meat.

  24.尼克,不要睡得太晚。這對身體有害。 Don’t sleep too late.your health.

  25.多吃水果有益健康。Eating more fruit ______________________ health.

  26.我的電腦壞了,你能幫我修一下嗎? _____________________my computer. Could you help me mend it?

  27.我的手機出毛病了,沒法用了。 ________________________ my cell phone and I can’t use it now.

  28. 你昨晚沒有去參加聚會。你怎么了? You didn’t go to the party yesterday evening. _______________________?

  29. 你看起來累了。怎么了? You look tired. ________________________________________?

  30.今天既不冷也不熱,我們去公園野餐吧。 It is ____________________ . Let’s go for a picnic in a park.

  31.我每天步行去上班只須10分鐘. It _______________________________ to office every day.

  32.昨晚我用了兩個小時做功課。 ________________________________to do my homework yesterday evening.

  33.直到我到了國家大劇院,才看見我爸爸。 _________________________ I reached the National Grand Theatre.

  34.李明昨天直到媽媽回來才上床睡覺。 Li Ming ___________________________his mother came back yesterday.

  35.今天早上直到九點他才起床。 He ____________________________ nine o’clock this morning.

  36.她爸爸非常生氣,因為她昨天夜里11點才回來。 Her father was very angry because she 11 o’clock last night.

  37.我父親總是把業(yè)余時間都花在繪畫上。 My father often _______________________________.

  38.很抱歉讓你久等了。 I ___________________________ for a long time.

  39. 這個七歲的小女孩酷愛彈鋼琴,以致于她已經堅持練琴兩年了。 The seven-year-old girl likes playing the piano _________________________for two years.

  40.他過去玩電腦游戲的時間太多,結果對學習不感興趣了。 ____________________________________he was not interested in his lessons..

  41. “鳥巢”很美,我們都想盡快去參觀。 The Bird Nest is ________________________ all of us want to visit it as soon as possible.

  42.我們昨天有那么多的功課,我們用了三個小時才完成它。 We__________________________________ doing it yesterday.


  He is a lot of time on it.

  44.他到車站太晚了,沒有趕上那趟火車。 He reached the station__________________________________________.


  Li Yi with foreigners in English on Sundays.

  46.李老師病情嚴重,但仍堅持工作。硬要她臥床休息恐怕是不可能的。 Mrs. Li is seriously ill, but she still keeps working.I’m afraid_________________________.

  47.我們每天鍛煉一小時很重要。 _____________________________________exercise an hour a day.

  48. 對每個人來說,遵守交通規(guī)則很重要。 ________________________________________to obey the traffic rules.

  49.李雷不但學習好,而且與同學們相處得也很好。 Li Lei___________________________________________.

  50.如果你想學好英語,你不僅應該多做閱讀,而且還應該堅持用英語和別人談話。 If you want to learn English well, you should _________________________________ ________________________________in English.



         1. It’s time 2. It’s time for 3. It’s time to get up 4. Let’s help her 5. Let’s have 6. Let’s do 7. Why not go there on foot/Why not walk there 8. Why not buy 9. Why not go 10. What/How about tomorrow 11. What/How about 12. as interesting as 13. are busy cleaning 14. is busy preparing/getting ready for 15. are busy getting ready for 16. as soon as 17. as soon as 18. as soon as 19. too old to use 20. too young to 21. They were late for 22. was late for 23. It’s bad for 24. It’s bad for 25. is good for 26. There is something wrong with/Something is wrong with 27. There is something wrong with 28. What was wrong with you/What was the matter with you 29. What’s wrong/What’s the matter 30. neither cold nor hot 31. takes me only 10 minutes to walk 32. It took me two hours 33. I didn’t see my father until 34. didn’t go to bed until 35. didn’t get up until 36. didn’t come back until 37. spends all his free time drawing 38. am sorry to keep you waiting 39. so much that she has kept practising 40. He spent so much time playing computer games that 41. so beautiful that 42. had so much homework to do that we spent three hours finishing 43. so interested in collecting stamps that he spends 44. too late to catch the train/so late that he couldn’t catch the train 45. loves English so much that he spends lots of time talking 46. it’s impossible to make him rest in bed 47. It’s important for us to 48. It’s important for everyone 49. not only does well in his lessons but also gets on well with his classmates 50. not only read a lot but also keep on talking with others

