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2009-06-22 11:43:32  來源:本站原創(chuàng) 文章作者:匿名

  No. 01

  For most Chinese, it is not easy to say “I love you” even to our parents, no matter how much we love them. The Chinese prefer to put their love in heart rather than speak the words. Some of us may think it is not important to speak out their love. Only if our parents can feel our love and believe we love them, that is enough.

  Try to think about this question in another way. Do you want to hear your parents say they love you? If they say so, what will you feel? Won’t you feel happy and very warm in heart? Sure you will. And your parents will feel the same if you tell them you love them. Parents never expect their children to do many things for them. They are so easy to be satisfied. Why not try to say “I love you” to them one day? It’s not a really difficult thing. And you will see how surprised and happy they are!

  根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇可以完成句子的較好答案(from www.zkenglish.com)。

  1. It’s not easy for most Chinese to say “________”.

  A. Good morning B. Excuse me C. Hello D. I love you

  2. The Chinese think it is not ________ to speak out their love.

  A. important B. impossible C. difficult D. hard

  3. You feel ________ in heart if your parents say they love you.

  A. happy B. warm C. happy and warm D. surprised

  4. Parents ________ expect their children to do many things for them.

  A. often B. never C. always D. sometimes

  No. 02

  It was because of his curiosity and his hard work that he would be able to make more than 3,000 inventions. As mentioned above, electric light is one of his most important inventions. His other inventions include microphone, phonograph, movie projector, storage battery, etc. Most of his inventions were the results of hundreds of experiments. Once he said how difficult it was to invent the storage battery. He succeeded only after 10,000 experiments that failed. Yet he said humorously, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

  Edison received many honors during his life for his contributions to the progress of mankind, US government gave him its highest award, a special Congressional Medal of Honors. Yet, in spite of all his fame, Edison remained a modest man. He preferred to continue his work, rather than rest on his achievements. His motto was: “I find what the world needs, then I go ahead and try to invent it.”

  根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇可以完成句子的較好答案(from www.zkenglish.com)。

  5. Edison’s inventions came from ________.

  A. his curiosity B. his hard work C. his experiments D. A, B and C

  6. One of Edison’s most important inventions is ________.

  A. electric light B. phonograph

  C. movie projector D. storage battery

  7. Edison invented the storage battery after ________ experiments.

  A. 100 B. 1000 C. 10,000 D. 100,000

  8. Edison received ________ during his life for his contributions.

  A. Nobel Prize B. a special Congressional Medal of Honors

  C. the Progress of Mankind Medal D. the Red Cross Medal

  No. 03

  About a hundred years ago there lived a great general. His name was Napoleon. He was the leader of the French army, and France was at war with nearly all the countries around. He wanted very much to take his soldiers into Italy, but between France and Italy there are high mountains called the Alps, the tops of the mountain are covered with snow. “Is it possible to cross the Alps?” said Napoleon.

  Some men who were sent to look at the passes over the mountains shook their heads. Then one of them said, “It may be possible, but…”

  “Let me hear no more,” said Napoleon. “Forward to Italy!”

  People laughed at the thought of an army of sixty thousand men crossing the Alps because there was no road at all there.

  But Napoleon waited only to see that everything was in good order, and then he gave the order to march.

  The long line of soldiers and horses stretched for twenty kilometres. When they came to a steep place where there seemed to be no way to go farther, the trumpets sounded “Charge!” Then every man did his best, and the whole army moved right onward.

  Soon they were safe over the Alps. In four days they were marching on the plains of Italy.

  “The man who has made up his mind to win,” said Napoleon, “will never say ‘Impossible’.”

  仔細(xì)閱讀短文,在回答問題的句子中填上恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~(from www.zkenglish.com)。

  9. What did Napoleon want to do when he was the leader of the French army?

  He was ________ to take his soldiers into ________.

  10. What is between France and Italy?

  There is a high mountain ________ the Alps, on the ________ of the mountain is covered with snow.

  11. Why did people laugh at the thought of Napoleon crossing the Alps?

  Because there was no ________ at all on the tops of the mountain.

  12. What about Napoleon and his soldiers?

  The long line of soldiers and horses were ________ over the Alps, in four days they ________ in Italy.


  1. D。根據(jù)首句“對(duì)大部分中國(guó)人來說,說聲‘我愛你’是不容易的”,就能敲定較好答案。

  2. A。根據(jù)Some of us may think it is not important to speak out their love(我們大部分人認(rèn)為說出他們的愛并不重要)就能選出較好答案。

  3. C。根據(jù)Do you want to hear your parents say they love you? If they say so, what will you feel? Won’t you feel happy and very warm in heart? Sure you will (你想聽到你父母說他們愛你嗎?如果你父母說他們愛你, 你感覺怎么樣?難道你心理不感到快樂和溫暖嗎?當(dāng)然你會(huì)感到快樂和溫暖)就能排除A、B兩項(xiàng),得出答案為C(from www.zkenglish.com)。

  4. B。根據(jù)Parents never expect their children to do many things for them(父母決不期望他們的兒女給他們做許多事情)就能確定較好答案。

  5. D。根據(jù)首句“愛迪生一生能有三千多項(xiàng)發(fā)明, 是好奇心和努力工作的結(jié)果”和句中的Most of his inventions were the results of hundreds of experiments(愛迪生的大部分發(fā)明是成百上千次實(shí)驗(yàn)的結(jié)果) 就能確定較好答案為D。

  6. A。根據(jù)electric light is one of his most important inventions.(電燈是他較重要的發(fā)明之一)就能確定較好答案。

  7. C。根據(jù)Once he said how difficult it was to invent the storage battery. He succeeded only after 10,000 experiments that failed(他曾說發(fā)明輸電池是多么艱難, 在實(shí)驗(yàn)一萬次都失敗的基礎(chǔ)上終于成功了)就能鎖定答案(from www.zkenglish.com)。

  8. B。根據(jù)US government gave him its highest award, a special Congressional Medal of Honors(美國(guó)政府給他國(guó)家較高獎(jiǎng)——國(guó)會(huì)勛章)就能排除諾貝爾獎(jiǎng),人類進(jìn)步獎(jiǎng)和紅十字勛章這三個(gè)選項(xiàng)。

  9. eager, Italy。所問的問題是“當(dāng)拿破侖是法國(guó)軍隊(duì)的時(shí),他想干什么?”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,答案可從 He wanted very much to take his soldiers into Italy(他非常想帶他的軍隊(duì)進(jìn)入意大利)中得出。

  10. called, tops。所問的問題是“法國(guó)和意大利之間有什么障礙?”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,答案可從 between France and Italy there are high mountains called the Alps, the tops of the mountain are covered with snow (在法國(guó)和意大利之間,有一座叫阿爾卑斯的山脈,山頂被白雪所覆蓋)中找到。

  11. road。所問的問題是“人們?yōu)槭裁匆靶δ闷苼鲈竭^阿爾卑斯山的想法?”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,答案可從 People laughed at the thought of an army of sixty thousand men crossing the Alps because there was no road at all there(人們嘲笑六萬人越過阿爾卑斯山的想法是因?yàn)樗械纳巾斏隙紱]有路)中得出(from www.zkenglish.com)。

  12. safe, arrived。所問的問題是“拿破侖和他的士兵怎么樣?”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,答案可從Soon they were safe over the Alps. In four days they were marching on the plains of Italy(不久, 他們就安全越過了阿爾卑斯山,在4天之內(nèi)行進(jìn)入意大利平原)中得出。
